Chapter Twenty-One (Non-Canon) "Spider-Verse Part One"

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Y/n:Okay let's do this one more time, my name is Y/n L/n. I was bitten by a radioactive Spider and for the last four years I've been the one and only Spider-Man. It was easy at first, I stopped normal criminals and ran into the occasional Maggia crime families but it was never really difficult. But then I had my first ever supervillain with Electro but I'm sure you know the rest. I beat him saved the city, fell in love, fought another villain, had my girlfriends Dad die, quit being Spider-Man for a bit, my mentor turned into another supervillain, then one of my best friends turned into a supervillain, and the love of my life died. It definitely hasn't been easy but honestly even after everything I still love being Spider-Man and I don't think I'll ever stop cause there's only one Spider-Man and you're looking at him.

Meanwhile in Manhattan we see as Spider-Man swings through the city after a day of patrol, he pulls himself high before activating his web wings as he glides around the city moving past buildings as people from below look on and cheer for their hero.

Eventually Spider-Man stops as sits on top of building taking in the view of city as it approaches night time, while Spider-Man sits there he thinks back as memories of him and Gwen enter his mind. It's been five months since Gwen has died and honestly he still misses her, he's tried moving on but he just can't.

Spider-Man:I wish you were here with me.

Spider-Man continues to look onto the city but a strange sound gets his attention as a bright light shines from behind him, he gets up and turns around to see a portal in the shape of a hexagon.

His eyes widen surprise as he's then lifted up into a air and is dragged closer to the portal, he shoots a web into the building roof trying to prevent himself from being pulled in but the force of the portal is too strong causing his web to snap as he's then pulled into the portal.

After being pulled into the portal he falls through a tunnel of hexagons he looks around as he falls through the tunnels and sees he's in some sort of dimension between dimensions as there's more hexagonal tunnels leading to different worlds, eventually after falling through the tunnel for a bit he goes through another portal landing on top of a rooftop.

He gets up and takes off his mask looking around to see he's on a building in Times Square but when he looks to one of the screens he sees the news reporting that Peter Parker who's Spider-Man is dead.

Y/n:Peter Parker? Like Petra but she's a guy instead and he's Spider-Man. Holy shit this can't be real.

He looks around more for a bit before putting on his mask and swinging into the city to find out what's going on but when he swings for a bit his body glitches as he groans in pain letting go of his web as he falls through the sky before landing on another roof.

After landing on the roof he gets up and looks to his hands thinking about what's going on with him.

Y/n:Must be cause I'm not from this dimension, I gotta find a way home before this kills me.

He goes to swing away but then he yawns feeling tired so he walks to the corner of the building leaning against one of the walls on the roof.

Y/n:But first I need a nap, I'll feel better when I wake up in a bit.

He leans back against the wall and closes his eyes as sleep slowly over takes him, soon after a few hours he opens his eyes and gets up to see that it's day. After getting up he looks over the building and sees one of the screen show as they have this universe's version of MJ prepare to give a speech.

He quickly jumps off the building finding a store and buying some clothes before putting them over his suit as he begins walking to where they're having the ceremony, after getting there he sees many people dressed up as or wearing Spider-Man merchandise and that MJ has already given most of her speech.

He quickly moves through the crowd and stands somewhere in the middle as he listens to the last bit of MJ's speech.

MJ:My favorite thing about Peter is that he made us each feel powerful. We all have powers of one kind or another. But in our own way, we are all Spider-Man. And we're all counting on you.

People begin to clap as someone whispers to themselves next to Y/n.

???:They're counting on me.

Y/n looks to the guy next to him and sees it's someone in a Spider-Man costume that looks a bit too small for him.

He looks back to MJ and sees as she looks into the crowd but then gains a look of surprise as she locks eyes with him and "whispers" into the mic.


People look to her confused as he then quickly leaves the crowd putting on the hood that he bought, as he walks away he hears MJ quickly respond.

MJ:Sorry about that everyone I thought I saw someone I knew.

He continues to leave the crowd but then someone passes by him and when he looks to him both of their Spider-Senses go nuts causing the other guy to turn around and look to him, Y/n not knowing what else to do takes a big risk and lowers the top of his shirt and hoodie revealing his suit under his clothes.

The other guy's eyes widen in surprise before making a motion for Y/n to follow him so he does as they both head to safe place and when they get to one the other takes off his mask revealing himself to Y/n.

The other guy's eyes widen in surprise before making a motion for Y/n to follow him so he does as they both head to safe place and when they get to one the other takes off his mask revealing himself to Y/n

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Miles:You have spider powers too?



Y/n:Look this is gonna sound crazy but I'm from another dimension.

Miles looks down in thought before whispering to himself.

Miles:The Collider.


Miles:The Collider it's what brought you here but look it's too dangerous I have to shut it off with this Override Key.

Y/n:Whoa now not before I get home right?

Miles:Yeah we'll get you home but there's a problem.

Y/n:What is it?

Miles:I've only had my powers for a day.

Y/n places him hand to his forehead and sighs to himself before looking to Miles.

Y/n:Okay then, just give me the Override Key and I'll do it myself.

Y/n places his hand out so Miles can give him the Override Key but he doesn't.

Miles:No, my Spider-Man put this on me so I have to be the one to do it.

Y/n sighs looking down before looking back up and walks away a few feet before looking back to Miles.

Y/n:Okay then, I'll train you.

Miles:You will?

Y/n:Yeah come on.

Miles then follows Y/n as he thinks about how to start his training so that he can be this dimensions Spider-Man and also so that he can get home faster.

End of Chapter Twenty-One

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