Chapter Twenty-Four (Non-Canon) "Spider-Verse Part One"

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Y/n and Miles sit next to each other as they watch Peter eat a burger as if he hasn't eaten in days.

Peter:Mmm this burger is so good one of the best burgers I've ever had, you know this place closed six years ago in my universe no idea why it just did.

The waiter comes up to their table and simply places the bill in an annoyed manner as Peter looks to the surprised.

Peter:Either of you two have money right? I'm not very liquid at the moment.

Y/n:Look I'll pay for it.

Miles:Can we just focus.

Peter:Uh huh sure.

Miles:The other Peter said-

Peter:Are gonna you eat that?

Peter ask while pointing to Miles' burger before grabbing it and taking a bite out of it.

Peter:I'm listening.

Miles:The other Peter said he was gonna be showing me the ropes.


Miles:Either of you got any Spider-Man tips you can tell me?

Y/n:Gain control of that Bio-Electricity you got.

Peter:Yeah I got plenty, disinfect the mask, you're gonna wanna use baby powder in the suit, heavy on joints you don't want any chafing right?

Miles just looks to Peter with a disappointed face while Y/n looks to the side thinking about the fact that he's never used baby powder in his suit.

Miles:Anything else?

Peter:No that was everything.

Miles:I think you're gonna be a bad teacher.

Peter:Mhm look up where Alchemax is.

While Miles looks up where Alchemax is on his phone Peter looks to Y/n and sees as he simply just looks out the window.

Peter:Hey question, how come you're still wearing your mask?

Y/n:Just never felt like taking it off.

Peter:Cool suit by the way, the white's a nice touch but what are you gonna say to people when they ask you why you're wearing a legit Spider-Man suit?

Y/n:That it's cosplay.

Peter:Hm fair enough.

Miles:I found it, it's a private technological campus in Hudson Valley New York, wait you two can teach me to swing on the way there.


Peter laughs as it then cuts them taking a bus to Hudson Valley.

Peter:I'm not swinging to the Hudson Valley Miles, not after a hardy burger breakfast, keep your legs fresh. You're gonna thank me later.

The three of them eventually get to where they need to be as Miles and Peter disregard their clothes and get in their respective suits but then Peter looks to Miles and sees that he's wearing a cape.

Peter:And that's a no on the cape.

Miles:I think it's kind of cool.

Peter:No Spider-Man doesn't wear capes.

Peter grabs the cape pulling it off and throwing it away as Miles looks to Y/n.

Miles:You thought it was cool right?

Y/n:I mean I guess it could provide for some gliding if done right.


Y/n pulls his arms up and reveals his web wings to Miles and Peter.

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