Chapter Twenty-Two (Non-Canon) "Spider-Verse Part One"

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After agreeing to train him Y/n and Miles now stand at the top of a building, the two look on to the city as Miles then turns to Y/n.

Miles:Okay so what are we gonna start with swinging?

Y/n:Not yet, I want to jump off of this building across to the adjacent building.


Y/n:Come on you have powers I know you can do it.

Miles:And if I fail? I mean this building is pretty high.

Y/n:Miles when I first got my powers my fear of heights didn't just go away, I climbed all the way to the top of empire state to get over my fear.

Miles looks to Y/n listening about how he got rid of his fear, feeling motivated Miles looks to the edge of the building preparing to jump but then it cuts him going down the stairs as Y/n follows behind a bit disappointed.

Now the two stand on a less taller building than the other Y/n watches Miles back up and prepare himself for a running start, Miles then runs for the edge of the building preparing to jump but then he steps on one of his untied shoelaces tripping over the edge of the building.

Miles falls over the edge of the building as he screams trying to grab onto what he can which ends up being the sign for the apartment building, he breaks a bit of the building but managed to slow down his fall hitting the ground though when he hits the floor a crunching sound gains his attention.

Y/n runs to the edge of the building looking over it to see Miles fine just laying on the ground he sighs in relief but then sees as Miles gets up pulling out the Override Key only to find that it's broken as he landed on it.


Miles looks up to Y/n as he sees him with a devastated look on his face over the drive, Miles not bearing the thought of failing his Spider-Man and Y/n he runs away as Y/n looks to him and calls for him to come back and that it's fine and he's not mad.

After hours later it's now night as Miles walks into a cemetery and stands in front of a grave reading "Peter Parker", as he looks onto the grave someone walks and stands next to him as Miles looks over and sees Y/n.

Miles:Why didn't you catch up with me? I know you could've.

Y/n:I figured you needed some alone time.

Miles looks back to the grave feeling disappointed in himself that he's managed to now mess up a way for getting Y/n back home.

Miles:I'm sorry I screwed up, now we can't get you home.

Y/n:Hey it's not big deal, I'm sure we can find another way.

As the two look onto the grave they're unaware as someone walks behind them, they place their hand on Miles' shoulder causing him to react pushing the person away but accidentally using some sort of bio-electricity powers knocking the person back farther away and even knocking them unconscious.

Y/n and Miles look to each other before walking to the person Miles knocked out and as they get closer they it's a in a green coat and sweatpants but upon look to his face they see that's in an older version of Peter Parker with brown eyes and hair.

Miles crouches down and moves the green coat out of the way to reveal a Spider-Man suit under it, as Y/n and Miles look to the unconscious Peter both of their Spider-Senses act up as someone with a flashlight approaches from behind them.

Security Guard:Hey what are you two doing?

Both of them put on their respective masks and place their hands up to not put the guard on even more edge, Y/n looks to Miles and Peter's body before quietly whispering to Miles.

Y/n:Miles when I count to three you jump on my back and hold on tight.

Miles:Are you sure?

Y/n:Trust me, just do what I say okay.

Y/n beings to count to the three as the guard gets closer and when he reaches three Miles quickly jumps to his back holding on as Y/n shoots a web to Peter's chest before shooting a web to a passing train as it then drags the three away before Y/n pulls them to the air and grabs Peter by stomach. Y/n swings through the city as he then talks to Miles.

Y/n:Miles is there anywhere private we can go in this city?

Miles thinks for a moment before answering as he gives Y/n directions on where to go as he swings them there, eventually they get there as the two of them enter the place with Y/n placing Peter down on the floor, Y/n begins to look around the place but then the sound of chains and rope get his attention as he looks over and sees that Miles has tied up Peter.

Y/n:Miles why'd you tie him up?

Miles:We can never be too sure.

Y/n:Miles it's Peter, he's even got a Spider-Man suit.

Miles:Hey man we're dealing with the multiverse here, what if he's an evil Spider-Man.

Y/n looks to Miles before backing up and placing his hands up in a defensive manner.

Y/n:You know what I'll let you learn from this on your own.

The two now simply just wait as they look to Peter and prepare for when he eventually wakes up.

End of Chapter Twenty-Two

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