Chapter Eleven "Doc Ock Rises Arc"

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Snow falls down the streets of Manhattan as the camera pans to a house, the door opens as Y/n L/n walks out of it locking the door, after locking the door he walks down the street plugging in his earbuds to his phone and puts them on then tapping his screen before putting his phone in his pocket.

Y/n walks through the streets of Manhattan as snow falls around him and many others walk by simply ignoring him as he didn't matter, but he didn't care about that all he cares about is getting to his destination, walking through the street he passes by a flower vendor and quickly buys a bouquet of flowers.

He continues to make his way through Manhattan ignoring other people, someone in an alleyway calls for help as he looks over and sees a high schooler getting beat up by bullies, he clenches one of his fists and goes to intervene before stopping and taking deep breath as he decides to leave.

Y/n:"It's not my problem, I quiet."

Continuing on his way through Manhattan he passes by a homeless person pulling out a twenty dollar bill and dropping it into the homeless man's cup, the man thanks him but Y/n doesn't respond and just continues on his way.

After a long walk Y/n eventually reaches his destination as he walks into a cemetery reaching a certain grave that reads "George Stacy", he crouches down placing the bouquet on the grave and stays crouched as he begins to talk with himself.

Y/n:Hey Mr.Stacy it's Y/n again, It's been a month since I quit being Spider-Man and honestly my private life has actually gotten better. I'm passing my classes, I'm not late, I have time for my Dad and friends, it's honestly good to think about. I'm doing the best I can in keeping your promise even if I'm not Spider-Man I'm protecting Gwen and keeping her safe the best I can. I really miss you and again I'm sorry for not being able to save you.

The sound of leaves crunching behind him gets his attention as he gets up and looks behind him to see Gwen also with a bouquet, Gwen looks to Y/n and smiles not knowing he was going to see her Dad but she's glad he did.

Gwen:Hey Y/n.

Y/n:Hey Gwen.

Gwen walks next to Y/n and places her bouquet next to his before getting up and standing with him.

Y/n:I didn't know you were coming to see him.

Gwen:Yeah I felt it was time to give him his flowers for this month, look Y/n I know he was like a second Dad to you but it wasn't your fault that he died, you can't let his death get to you.

Y/n:Gwen this conversation is gonna go like our other conversations about this.

Gwen:Manhattan needs Spider-Man, your all that some people have, you give people hope that things WILL get better.

Y/n:Gwen it's like I said I'm done, no one else close to me is gonna die due to me being Spider-Man.

Y/n looks down as Gwen looks to him hoping that there's a way to change his mind on coming back as Spider-Man.

Y/n:Look let me walk you home and then I'll just head to my internship.

Gwen:No it's okay my Mom drove me, she's waiting in the car right now.

Y/n:Oh well okay then I guess I'll see you later then.


We both lean in and kiss each other before heading to entrance and going out separate ways as I head to my internship.

It's a bit later as Y/n enters a building putting on his lab coat and opens the door entering a room as it's filled to the brim with lab equipment, technology, and prosthetics. Walking more into the room Y/n finds his Boss Otto Octavius working on their latest project as he turns around and sees Y/n.

Otto:Ahh Y/n you're here I was just ironing up the kinks on our little project here.

Y/n:Oh well I'm sorry I didn't get here earlier.

Otto:Nonsense you're right on time I was just here early, let's get started.

Y/n:Right let's get to it.

The two of them begin to work on the project together but Otto notices that Y/n isn't as focused as he usually is so he talks to him about it.

Otto:What's going on son? You're not as focused as you usually are.

Y/n:Sorry it's just I went to visit Mr.Stacy today and it got me thinking about what happened.

Otto:Right you there during the incident, terrible absolutely terrible.

Y/n:Yeah it's just I guess I blame myself for his death.

Otto:Y/n I'm sure you did all you could after all there was that Scorpion man there, you couldn't do much.

Y/n:I still feel like I should've at least tried.

Otto:Look how about you take the rest of the day off son.

Y/n:No Otto I'm fine I can still work.

Otto:Trust me Y/n it's fine, go ahead take the day off I can handle this on my own.

Y/n:Are you sure Sir?

Otto:Positive now go and enjoy the rest of your day.

Y/n nods to Otto as he heads to the door removing his lab coat and leaves the lab to enjoy the rest of his day while contemplating on what Otto and Gwen have told him.

End of Chapter 11

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