Chapter Sixteen "Turning Point Arc"

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The scene opens up with a high shot of Manhattan giving us a view of the many buildings that inhabit the large city, the shot zooms back to reveal we're at the top of Oscorp Tower, the sound of speaking in the background is heard.

Spider-Man:You ready?

MJ:No, this is crazy.

Spider-Man:Come on I've already taken Gwen on this swing, if she can do it than you can too.

MJ:But I've never swung with you this high.

Spider-Man:Neither has Gwen but after this swing she wouldn't stop asking me to do this again for a week.

There's a pause between the talking as MJ thinks about her choice before answering.

MJ:Okay fine let's do this.

Spider-Man:Alright, you're gonna love this.

MJ wraps her arms around Spidey's back as he prepares himself before running to the edge of the building before jumping off it diving down the building, while diving MJ shouts in Joy as the wind passes through her hair and looks around seeing the entirety of Manhattan.

Spider-Man:Hold on tight!

MJ does as he says holding on tighter as Spidey flips around before quickly placing his feet against the building and pushing himself off it as the two of them fly forward before Spidey dives down close to the ground before quickly swinging up as MJ releases a shout due to the speed of the swinging, people look on as they swing down the street while Spidey then looks back to MJ.

Spider-Man:You wanna try something?


Spidey pulls them both high before grabbing MJ by the hand and spins around launching her into the air as she flies up high before stopping as she looks onto the city getting a gorgeous view of the city with the sunrise shining over it, Spidey from below then shoots two webs to adjacent buildings before pulling himself up as he launches towards MJ and grabs her as she wraps her arms around him.

Spidey shoots out a web to another building as the two fall before they begin swinging again, he then let's go of the web and runs along the wall of a building as MJ and the people inside look at each other with MJ waving to them awkwardly. Spidey reaches the edge of the building and then jumps off shooting out another web to an alleyway as then flips upside down holding MJ by the hand slowly lowering the both of them until MJ is one the ground safe while Spidey hangs upside down.

Spider-Man:So what'd you think?

MJ:What'd I think? I mean how I do I even describe it?

Spider-Man:There's nothing else like it right?


The two look to each other as MJ places her hand on Spidey's cheek.

MJ:Thanks for this Y/n.

Y/n:It's no problem MJ.

MJ leans in giving Y/n a kiss on the cheek before backing up as he looks to her surprised but then looks another way as his Spider-Sense acts up.

Y/n:Go and get home MJ, my Spider-Sense is warning me something is going on.

MJ:Okay and please be careful.

Y/n:I always am.

Spidey swings away as MJ looks to him before walking away and heading home, meanwhile at Osborn's penthouse we see Harry in the lab as looks to the serum contemplating on whether he should actually do it.

He sighs to himself and looks around the lab before looking back to the serum and finally deciding to do it as he picks up the serum and puts it into a syringe and injected himself with it, he feels nothing at first as he smiles but then his smile quickly fades away as he begins to shake and have a spasm.

He falls to the floor as he continues to shake, the entrance to the lab opens as another scientist enters and sees Harry spasming on the floor he runs to him worried.


He places a hand on Harry's shoulder and asks if he's okay.

Scientist:Come on Mr.Osborn talk to me or say something if you're okay.

Harry stops shaking as the scientist then believes that he's okay now but then Harry quickly places a hand around the scientist's neck as he stands up and lifts the scientist to the air while he shakes around trying to get loose but can't.

Scientist:H-Harry! What the hell!?

Harry brings the scientist close to him as he smiles with an evil grin.

Harry?:Harry's on simpatico honey.

Harry throws the scientist violently as he crashes into an electric panel on the wall causing electricity to course through his body as he screams before falling to the ground dead, we then see Harry as he walks to a panel on the wall with a fingerprint scanner, he places his hand on the wall as it opens up to reveal a suit.

He puts on the suit and walks out of the lab as all we hear while he walks out is a sick and twisted laugh of a man who longer sane, the Green Goblin has been born.

End of Chapter Sixteen

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