Chapter Thirty-Six (Non-Canon) "Spider-Verse Part Three"

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After the symbiote wraps around Y/n revealing his suit to the Sinister Six they look him but still have a cocky look about them.

Prowler:So he has a new suit, we can still take him.

Mr Negative:Your fancy new suit isn't gonna save you.

Y/n doesn't say anything surprising them before he quickly rushes Doc Ock as he uses his arms to attack and defend himself but Y/n manages to grab one of his arms and jumps up before slamming it down on his chest.

One of his other arms grabs Y/n by the leg throwing him away but he quickly shoots two webs and pulls himself in kicking Doc Ock in the chest knocking him into Lizard.

Prowler quickly moves in and slashes at Y/n with his claws but he grabs of his arms and slams his elbow down on it breaking it before slamming the same elbow to his face knocking him back but Y/n isn't done as he runs to him and shoots two webs to his mask and pulls his head down hitting him with his knee before grabbing him by the throat jumping up before choke slamming him onto the ground knocking him out.

Y/n gets up and slowly turns around as he looks to the other villains, they look to him over what he's just done before Vulture quickly flies in and goes to stab Y/n but he quickly grabs Vulture's wing with his bare hand.

Vulture obviously stunned goes to stab him with the other wing but Y/n quickly grabs that too with his other hand as Vulture looks to him shocked before Y/n lifts him up and kicks him in the chest knocking him back but still holding his wings causing them to break off.

Vulture crashes into a wall now knocked out as Y/n holds the wings before throwing them away like they're nothing, Lizard after recovering from being hit by Doc Ock quickly gets up and slashes at Y/n repeatedly but then his Spider-Sense goes off as he dodges a blast from Mr Negative from behind.

The blast misses hitting Lizard knocking him back before Y/n finishes him as he shoots a web to his chest and pulls himself in as he punches Lizard down before grabbing his tail ripping it off and starts to beat him with it.

After beating him with his tail for a bit he uses it a golf club and knocking him away into a wall knocking him out, Y/n throws the tail away turning around and looks to Mr Negative. He goes to shoot a blast at Y/n but he quickly dodges it jumping to a wall before launching himself off it and punches Mr Negative back before shooting two webs to his face pulling him down and jumping behind him while grabbing him by the back and pulling him over slamming him down to the ground.

Mr Negative is now down for the count as all that's just left is Doc Ock and Goblin Y/n, Doc Ock quickly moves in using his arms to attack at him but Y/n dodges the arms before grabbing one of them and ripping it off as he then uses smacking him in the face knocking him back as he's then knocked out.

Y/n then looks to his Goblin counterpart as the two look to each other before they both rush to each other and a fight ensues, Goblin Y/n uses his wrist blade to slash at Y/n but he dodges the attacks before punching his arm breaking the blade and palm striking him in the chest knocking him to the ground.

Goblin Y/n lays there on the ground as he goes to get up but Y/n quickly moves over him grabbing him by his armor before he begins to repeatedly punch him in the face over and over again.

As he continues to punch him Goblin Y/n's mask begins to crack before it's completely broken revealing Goblin Y/n's face, Y/n continues to punch him in the face ignoring as a portal opens behind him.


Y/n continues to punch Goblin Y/n in the face before stopping as he drops him and slowly turns around to see Gwen and many others standing by a portal, Y/n's mask peels back to reveal his face as he looks to them. Then his entire suit is pulled back into his body revealing his normal suit, Gwen rushes to Y/n wrapping her arms around him before kissing him but Y/n lightly pushes her back as he looks to her.

Y/n:Wait Gwen? How'd you find me and what the hell is going on?

Margo:We found you cause I saw that you inputted the wrong dimension.


Y/n looks to Peni as she walks up to him before wrapping her arms around him and talking in an apologetic tone.

Peni:Y/n I'm so sorry you had to find out about the other Y/n's.

Y/n:Peni it's fine, I don't care what he says I'm Spider-Man.

Peni:That's great, hey Y/n I was wondering that when this over if we coul-

Miles:Yo Y/n!

Y/n separates from Peni as she looks to Miles with an annoyed face, Y/n walks to Miles as the two high-five each other.

Y/n:Miles hey! Woah new suit?

Miles:Had to upgrade eventually know what I mean?

Y/n:Yeah I get it, so who are you three?

Y/n says to the three new Spider-Men as they look to him before taking off their masks to reveal themselves to Y/n.

End of Chapter Thirty-Six

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