Chapter Thirty-Two (Non-Canon) "Spider-Verse Part Two"

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After jumping through the portal Y/n falls through a hexagonal tunnel again as it takes through the multiverse to wherever Gwen is headed, after falling through the tunnel for a bit he falls through another portal as he ends up in another dimension.

He falls through the air getting closer to the ground but swings up as he begins swinging through the city while on top it says Mumbattan, Earth-50101. As Y/n swings through he begins glitching causing him fall a bit but he recovers and then looks over to see Gwen fighting Spot.

Y/n:Gwen I came to help!

Gwen:Y/n what are you-

Gwen is suddenly kicked in the face knocking her off balance as she begins to fall while she falls Y/n quickly moves to her shooting a web to her chest holding her up as he swings.

Gwen:Y/n did you follow me?

Y/n:No I saw where you were going and went there too.

Gwen:You're not supposed to be here.

Y/n:What do you mean? I'm having a great time-

Y/n glitches again causing him to drop Gwen and after he does he immediately goes to grab her again as they get close to the ground someone else grabs them placing them on some wires.

Gwen:I should've never gone to see you.


The spider person reveals themselves as he hits Spot in the head and lands on top of a tower with Gwen and Y/n beneath him.

The spider person reveals themselves as he hits Spot in the head and lands on top of a tower with Gwen and Y/n beneath him

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Pavitr:Hey who's the new guy?

Gwen:Hey Pav, he's Y/n and he wasn't invited.

Pavitr:Woah you weren't invited and you came anyway.


Pavitr:Hey new guy must be love with you.

Y/n/Gwen:I mean we are dating.

Pavitr:Really!? I'm happy for you two.

Y/n:So who are you?

Pavitr:I'm glad you asked new guy.

Y/n:I'm not a new guy.

Pavitr:My name is Pavitr Prabhakar and for the past six months.

Y/n:Six months and even he got a watch!

Gwen:Yeah uh.

Pavitr:Being Spider-Man is so easy, I wake up skip the workout cause I'm naturally buff and I don't wanna get too big you know. Next I do nothing for my amazing hair.

Y/n:you don't use any products at all?

Pavitr:No just coconut oil, some genetics, and prayers. Then I swing by school don't have to try but I do anyways. Fight a few bad guys, feed a few street dogs, then I go for a quick cup of chai with my mai auntie.

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