Chapter Nine "Rise of Scorpion Arc"

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It's now Friday the end of the week as Y/n and the others chat with each other in the cafeteria, Y/n looks to the table not really paying attention as he thinks about the Scorpion. Meanwhile Harry's explaining to the others about a new experimental drug that him and his father are working on.

Harry:This drug if it works if it's a success than it'll change sports, and military as we know it.

Petra:What exactly does it do?

Harry:If it works it'll grant the user superhuman strength, speed, reflexes. You name it it'll essentially be as if you have superpowers.

MJ:Is it safe?

Harry:In theory it should be, it has to be. We're obviously not done with it yet as it's still in the designing phase but we should be relatively close.

Gwen:Y/n are you okay?


MJ:You zoned out for a bit, you okay Tiger?

Y/n:Yeah I'm fine, just thinking about the bomb that almost went off near Harlem.

Petra:Right I heard about that, thankfully Spider-Man and Captain Stacy were there to stop it.

MJ:Hey Gwen you know they're having a ceremony at City Hall for your Dad, they're gonna give him a medal of honor for stopping the bombing.

Gwen:Yeah he's honestly not that happy about it, keeps insisting he didn't really do anything and Spider-Man was the one to stop the bomb but I'm not letting him talk himself down.

Y/n:Yeah, I'm sure your Dad was actually the one to stop the bomb and he's just being humble.

Harry:When's the ceremony anyways?

Gwen:It's tomorrow.

MJ:We'll all be sure to be there, it's a big day for your Dad.

Harry:And cause we know that he'll take us out to eat after the ceremony.


Harry:What I'm just saying.

Gwen simply laughs as everyone else joins in on the laughter each of them enjoying the friendship they have with each other, It's now the end of the school day as Y/n stands on a building putting on his Spidey suit, after putting it on he swings into the city trying to find and help as many people as he can and as he's swinging by the park he hears someone calling for help, he looks down to see someone getting mugged so he quickly swings down kicking the guy back scaring the other muggers as they look to Spidey afraid.

Two of them try to run away but Spidey simply webs their back and knocks them into each other knocking both of them out another guy goes to hit Spidey with his crowbar but he dodges every hit with ease before grabbing it mid swing and sweeps the guy's legs knocking him onto the floor before webbing him to it.

The lady who was getting mugged thanks Spider-Man telling him she's already called the police as he was beating the muggers so Spidey simply tells her you're welcome before swinging away, now Spidey swings around Harlem and looks down as he sees a kid with his mom drawing a picture of Spider-Man.

He smiles enjoying the little things that being a hero provides him with like giving people hope and inspiring people by being their hero but the moment of peace doesn't last as his Spider-Sense goes nuts when he quickly turns and the Scorpion jumps to him grabbing him by the neck and slamming him into a building window breaking the glass before then slamming him onto the floor and throwing him onto a wall.

Scorpion:Miss me Spider!

Spider-Man gets up and places his hand against his back before pulling away and seeing blood on his hand no doubt from being slammed onto the glass and floor, he looks to Scorpion still ready for a fight.

Scorpion:You ready for round 2.

Spider-Man:Being it.

The two begin to fight each other as Scorpion uses his tail for more attacks this time, Spider-Man is able to dodge most of his attacks but one manages to land as the stinger cuts across his chest.

Spidey looks to the wound before quickly running to Scorpion as he tries to stab Spidey but he dodges under the attack grabbing the tail and spins around throwing Scorpion near the window before quickly running at him again and punches him in the jaw as the two fall down the building.

The two fall down the building as they punch each other while in mid air, Spider-Man kicks Scorpion down before webbing him and pulls him closer as the two land on a train passing by, they roll on the roof before stopping as Scorpion kicks Spider-Man away from him.

Spidey gets up quickly as the two look to each other before before fighting again as they trade blow for blow, Scorpion lands a hit to Spidey's face breaking one of his lenses and dazing him before quickly slashing at his chest with his tail.

He goes to stab him again but Spidey quickly grabs his tail and throws him across the train as he lands far away, while he's far away Spidey shoots two webs to the adjacent buildings and let's some distance grow before letting go as He's launched into the air before reaching Scorpion kicking him in the chest hard as they're both launched of the train and land the wall of a building.

The two stick to the wall as they look to each other before immediately fighting again on the wall, many pedestrians look in horror as the two fight each other in brutal fashion with the Scorpion landing another slash on Spidey's chest while Spidey lands another punch to Scorpion's face cracking his one of his lenses as well.

Scorpion backs up from Spidey as the two breathe heavily but prepare to fight again before Scorpion quickly pulls out a flashbang and throws it to Spidey who tries to web it up but it's already too late as it blows up blinding him, when the effect ends Spidey looks up to see Scorpion gone.


Spidey sighs to himself as he allowed him to get away but doesn't dwell on it too much as he looks to his wounds before deciding to head to Gwen's, he swings his way there but he feels his strength fading with every swing.

He gets close to her place landing on another house and goes to jump to the next house but his strength quickly fades causing his legs to buckle as he slips and falls of the roof landing in the backyard of the house, he goes to get up but can't has his strength fades and he begins to pass out.

The sound to a door opens as he looks to see someone walking out of the house before they notice him and gasp in shock.

???:Oh my god!

He then passes out before he can get a good look at the person but recognized that it's girl by the voice.

End of Chapter 9

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