Chapter Thirty-Seven (Non-Canon) "Spider-Verse Part Three"

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The three new Spider-Men take off their masks revealing themselves to Y/n. One looks to be in his 30s, another looks to be in his 40s, and the last one looks to be around Y/n's age maybe a year or two older.

Raimi Peter:Hey all three of us are Peter.

TASM Peter:Yeah it sometimes gets confusing around here.

MCU Peter:Though I really wanna talk about your suit cause it looks so cool.

Y/n:Oh okay yeah what do you wanna know?

MCU Peter:What's the white part made of? It looks tough.

Y/n/Raimi Peter:It's an elastic carbon fiber.

Y/n:Hey you kind of have the same suit.

TASM Peter:Yeah he upgraded, you should've seen his last suit.

MCU Peter:From the looks f it you did too.

TASM Peter:Yeah I got inspired by your lenses so I updated mine, they move now too.

Gwen:Okay we'd love to watch you four nerd out over each other's suits but we've got a job to do.

Y/n:And what exactly is that?

Margo:Dealing with Miguel and Spot.

Peter:So do we have a plan?

Peni:Y/n deals with Miguel while we keep Spot busy from causing too much damage and killing Y/n's Dad.

Miles:Are you sure we're gonna be able to handle this Spot guy?

Gwen:It's not a matter of beating him, we just gotta keep him busy.

Y/n:Okay then, let's do this.

Gwen uses her watch to open a portal but before they can leave Miles comments on something.

Miles:Wait before we go I gotta ask, did you just beat an entire version of the Sinister Six on your own?

Y/n:Oh uh yeah I did.

Peter:Not bad kid.

Margo:Okay then, let's get going.

They all head into the portal as they fall through the hexagonal tunnel before ending up back in Y/n's dimension, They all stand on a rooftop and look to the distance seeing smoke.

Y/n:That's gotta be Spot.

Peni:Okay then, like we said before Y/n you go find Miguel or let him find you and deal with him, while we all go and keep Spot busy.

Y/n:Are you sure you guys are gonna be okay?

Gwen:We'll be fine Y/n, you just deal with Miguel.

Y/n:Okay then.

Y/n swings away leaving the others as they make their way to the smoke and when they do they find Spot wreaking havoc on the city.

Gwen:Alright, you all ready?

Miles:As ready as we'll ever be.

Raimi Peter:Like last time right guys?

MCU/TASM Peter:Right!

Meanwhile with Y/n he swings through the city looking for Miguel when someone ambushes him as they crash and land on a building, the two separate from each other as they look and Y/n sees that it's Miguel.

Miguel:I can't let you break the canon!

Y/n:I'm not gonna stop trying to save my Dad!

Miguel:Then I'm gonna have to stop you!

The two stare each other down before they rush to each other as Miguel slashes at Y/n with his claws but he dodges his attacks before webbing his foot to the ground and reeling his fist back and punching him in the face knocking him to the ground.

Miguel quickly gets up and sweeps Y/n by the legs and going to punch him in the face but he quickly rolls to the side causing Miguel to miss as his punch hits the roof cracking it, Y/n kicks Miguel back before shooting two webs to the side and slams them to the roof.

Y/n begins punching Miguel in the face repeatedly but he catches one of his fists and headbutts him knocking him back, Y/n rolls for a bit before landing back as he looks to Miguel and begins shaking in anger as his body is then covered by the black goo and he's wearing his black suit again.

Miguel gets up and looks to Y/n recognizing what he's wearing but still believes he can beat him but he's sadly mistaken as the two fight again but Y/n is now far faster and stronger than Miguel out matching him.

Y/n hits Miguel punching him in the face hard knocking him to the roof as he goes to get up but before he does Y/n pins him to the roof looking to him as Miguel's mask goes away.

Y/n:Enough! I'm Spider-Man whether you like it or not! Now we can either keep fighting each other or we can fight the real threat which is Spot so which is it gonna be?

Miguel looks to Y/n thinking on what he's said before calming down and nodding as Y/n let's him go and the two look to each other.

Miguel:You know what this means right?

Y/n:That there's a chance my universe could die if I break the canon? Yeah I'm willing to take that chance besides it might be doomed anyways cause of Spot if we can't stop him.

Miguel:Fair point, well come on let's go.

The two go to head off but Y/n is then transported somewhere as he looks around confused and sees that he's in around room surrounded by the cosmos before a voice calls to him and he looks to a woman sitting on a chair and surrounding the walls behind her are webs and in-between them are pictures of other spider people.

Y/n:Who are you and how did I get you?

Madame Web:My name is Madame Web and I brought you here.

Y/n:Okay Madame Web well why am I here?

Madame Web:You are here cause I have gift to bestow upon you, you won't be able to defeat Spot without it.

Y/n:How do you know that?

Madame Web:I saw it.

Y/n:Hold you can see the future?

Madame Web:I can see certain outcomes to certain decisions a person makes and the decision you were about to make would've led to a very dark future.

Y/n:Okay then so what's this gift that'll help me beat Spot.

Madame Web:Cosmic power.

End of Chapter Thirty-Seven

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