Chapter Eighteen "Turning Point Arc"

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Spidey glides through the city heading home after his fight with Green Goblin while he's gliding he thinks about this Green Goblin and what's his role in all this.

Spider-Man:Something just doesn't seem right this, something in my gut is telling me that this gonna go bad.

Spidey continues to glide through the city but then his Spider-Sense goes off so he looks to the side and sees a car chase going on.

Spider-Man:well we are in the city that never sleeps.

Spidey glides down close to the car as they try and make their getaway from the police but what they don't notice is that Spidey is gliding right above their car before stopping as he lands on the car causing a heavy thud gaining their attention as they look up.

Thug#1:Don't tell me that's what I think it is.

Thug#2:I think it is.

Suddenly one of the thugs is pulled out of the car webbed up to a lamppost the other two thugs panic as the driver starts to go faster trying to shake Spidey off but it obviously doesn't work as the other thug is pulled out and webbed up to another lamppost.

The driver begins to driven more faster in a panicked state but he's quickly stopped as Spidey pulls him out too and webs him to a building wall, Spidey then moves to the side of the car and grabs the wheel spinning it around causing the car to flip up to the side.

As the car is in the air Spidey jumps off it landing on the ground and catches the car holding it up before putting it down as the police arrive and stop getting out of their cars.

Officer:Thanks for the help Spidey.

Spider-Man:No problem Officer, just make sure those guys I webbed up don't get away.

Spidey turns around and shoots two webs pulling himself back before letting go launching himself into the sky as he dives and swings through the city making his way home, after swinging through the city he makes home as he shoots a web to his window opening it before activating his web wings gliding through the air.

He glides through the air getting close to his house before gliding through his window and landing in his room, after landing in his room he takes off his suit and gets into his regular clothes heading downstairs and when he does he looks to the kitchen counter to see his Dad and Rio Morales sitting there.

Y/n:Dad, Ms.Morales?

The two turn around and look to Y/n with his gaining a stern look.

F/n:Y/n what'd I say about taking the window?

Y/n:To not take the window.

F/n:Exactly, now can you come over here we both have something to tell you.

Y/n:I know you two are dating.

The two of them look to each other surprised before looking to Y/n.

F/n:Well that was easy.

Rio:How long have you known?

Y/n:For awhile now, I saw you much you hit it off at that parent teacher conference two months ago.

Rio gets up and walks to Y/n standing in front of him and places a hand on his shoulder.

Rio:I hope you don't think differently of me and I know I'm not your mother-

Y/n:Rio it's fine, my Mom died a long time ago and I'm just glad my Dad has someone to keep him company besides just me.

Rio:I hope you know that this doesn't mean you'll get special treatment in my class.

Y/n:I figured.

The two of them laugh before joining F/n as they all sit together enjoying their dinner before Rio heads home and Y/n and F/n head to bed both getting a good night's rest.

It's the next day now as Y/n sits in the cafeteria with his friends but they notice how Harry wasn't here for school today.

Y/n:Hey have any of you guys seen Harry lately.

Gwen:No we haven't actually.

Petra:Did he call or text any you why he didn't show up?

MJ:No he didn't it's honestly kind of strange.

Y/n:Yeah Harry rarely ever misses school, hope he's doing okay if he got sick.

The group talk with each other as usual but then Y/n's Spider-Sense goes crazy as the wall to the cafeteria is blown up knocking them back, everyone looks to the wall in horror as laughing echos through the smoke before it clears up to reveal Green Goblin slowly entering the building on his glider.

People begin to run out along with Gwen, MJ, and Petra but when they look up they don't see Y/n anywhere. They begin to fear for the worst but Gwen and MJ sigh in relief when Spider-Man swings into the cafeteria and looks to Goblin.

Green Goblin:Ahh Spider-Man, like I said we'd meet again.

Spider-Man:What the hell! These are just kids, what are you doing attacking them of all people!

Green Goblin:Why how else to get Spider-Man here than to attack a bunch of innocent kids.

Spider-Man:I'm not letting you get away with this.

Green Goblin:We'll see about that Hero!

The two stand across from each other as they stare each other down preparing for a fight while Gwen, MJ, and Petra watch from the side.

End of Chapter Eighteen

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