Chapter 19: Would Anyone Dare to Spread Rumors About Lisa?

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Jennie and Lisa walked out of the villa, completely ignoring Mina who followed them at the back and letting her follow as she pleased.

Thinking about going out to shop was fine, but Mina was not allowed to even think about sitting in Lisa's car.

Not mentioning the front seat that Mina was not allowed to touch, even the passenger's seat was not for her. She definitely would not let Lisa's car have the tiniest bit of Mina's scent.

Mina was wearing expensive clothes, carrying a bag worth a few thousand yuan, and using her tasteless and difficult to breathe perfume. After arriving at the bus stop, Mina glanced at the crowd of people waiting nearby. She immediately moved to the side while looking disgusted.

"Unnie, why don't we take the cab after all? The public transport is really crowded, and many people are waiting here. It's really too uncomfortable." Mina went to Jennie's side to complain one last time.

"It's not too many stops. Squeezing with them for a while won't do any harm." Jennie did not even turn to look at her.

"I heard that there are often thieves on the public bus. And the smell on these people is really..."

She had yet to finish her words when she saw that the bus they were planning to take had arrived. The crowd orderly went onto the bus, leaving the three to follow. Lisa placed his arm protectively around Jennie as they went to join the queue. The two of them did not listen to Mina at all.

Lisa did not seem unhappy at all. Someone like him had probably never taken the public transport before, yet he lowered his own status to queue here with Jennie!

Thinking about the last time when she heard about him personally going to buy Jennie glutinous rice ball soup, Mina was mad to the point of wanting to vomit blood.

Seeing that they had already boarded the bus, she had no choice but to follow them up.

The bus was not especially crowded. At the very least, there were a few available seats.

However, there were only two free seats next to each other. The rest were all single seats, and they were all at the back.

Jennie naturally sat at the front two free seats with Lisa. When Mina walked over, she realized that there were no available seats for her.

"There are seats at the back," Jennie reminded her.

Mina had no choice but to go to the back. However, she never expected the seats at the end to be filled by several old men. Two of them were coughing non-stop. Compared to earlier, the air here was filthy to the extent where it was difficult to describe.

She stood there with an expression of repulsion, considering if she should sit down. The bus abruptly came to a stop when a car in front of it suddenly braked. Unable to stand steady, Mina could only angrily sit down.

Initially, when the elderly men at the side saw the young lady approaching, they all smiled kindly at her. However, after seeing her face full of disgust and unhappiness, their faces instantly turned unfriendly.

As for Jennie, although she had never taken public transportation in this life, in the last few years of her previous life, she was poor to the point where she could hardly take the public bus. After being frugal for a long time, she was already used to taking cheap public transportation.

She turned to look at Lisa who did not even seem slightly unhappy about the crowd or the long wait. His expression did not show even the slightest bit of discomfort.

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