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Julia talked to certain people and not others

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Julia talked to certain people and not others.

For instance whenever Raya came and plopped down Julia would say simple stuff to pretend she was listening but the young girl was none the wiser.

Dale had begun sitting next to Julia a good distance away and telling her of his long well lived life. She had yet to open up about anything in her past but she didn't need this man's pity.

"Your gonna get heat stroke in those clothes soon." He'd warn her too but Julia shrugged it off as nothing despite the sweat that poured from her body.

Her needle marks and bruises weee naked to the eye but Julia didn't want to wear someone else's clothes. The woman all had v necks and tank tops that would surely either show too much skin or Julia's scar so she stayed safe with her long sleeves.

Shane talked to Julia here and there he always smiled whenever she did talk back as if he'd won the lottery. Julia always noticed how Lori would glare at her talking to Shane.

Maybe thats what pushed her to do it more. In spite.

Carl stayed away from Julia probably because of Loris demands which ultimately kept Sofia away as well.

The women of the group tried to talk to Julia and now they'd get some answers here and there but when they tried to ask her of the life she had before the incident she'd shut down and go mute again.

Jim would say simple pleasantries and Julia would nod or force a smile.

T-dog would serve Julia's plate sometimes and try conversation only getting a mumbled thank you before she would scurry away but it was still more then what some got so it made him smile and brag to Glen.

Glen didn't try to talk to Julia mostly because she intimidated him.

The Dixon brothers didn't speak to Julia after what had happened the night Merle tried to grab her ass. But Julia would feel watched and look over to sometimes catch eyes with Daryl Dixon who would hurry to look away from her.

Julia would glare at him but she didn't say anything to them and she wouldn't unless they tried touching her.

Glen went on runs constantly and he would bring much as he could get from the city. Until this one day where others complained that they needed more stuff, and that more people meant more stuff.

Julia could tell that Glen didn't want them to go but he didn't voice his concerns instead he looked a little doom and gloom.

Andrea, Jackie, Morales, T-Dog, Glen, Raya's dad Ben and Merle all left making Julia secretly hope Merle didn't come back.

Oh how hope could be a wonderful thing.


As Julia hung wet clothes on one of the clothes lines the old radio began to muffle words of a man. At first the others wondered if it was their group in trouble but it was an unknown man speaking of going to the city.

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