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ITS A GIRL! And her name is going to be Sophia 🥰 also I'm 20 weeks along and I definitely almost fainted at the 3D ultrasound but instead puked for a good minute straight like the exorcist

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ITS A GIRL! And her name is going to be Sophia 🥰 also I'm 20 weeks along and I definitely almost fainted at the 3D ultrasound but instead puked for a good minute straight like the exorcist.


Julia slowly opened her eyes before shutting them and groaning the light inside the cell was bright

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Julia slowly opened her eyes before shutting them and groaning the light inside the cell was bright. Sunlight was casting through and hitting her right in the eye making her grumble and try to roll away before a loud whimper left her.

Every muscle in her back felt like it pulled and made her fall right back into the position she had been laying in.

"SHES AWAKE MR HERSHEL SHES AWAKE!" An unreasonably high pitched loud voice calls making the woman groan louder and simply turn her head from the sunlights beam.

The sound of Hershel's crutches came near and Julia still didn't open her eyes even when she heard him enter.

"Julia?" He asks softly thinking Raya had just interpreted Julia's groans as her being awake. But the woman peeps one eye open and huffs before closing it and groaning again.

"You gave us a good scare. Thought you lost too much blood, and now probably a concussion from the fall." Hershel says causally as Julia furrows her brows even with her eyes closed. She didn't remember a fall at first, it came back eventually and the woman wanted to say she was fine. Nothing new.

"I'm hard to kill..... or haven't you learned that yet?" Julia asks in a hoarse voice that makes Hershel smile but it didn't meet his eyes as he stared at her with concentration.

"Raya why don't you give me a minute, I'll let you know if there's anything important." Hershel informs someone who had been lurking in the room corner unseen. The small blonde child nods and leaves rather slowly still looking unsure about leaving.

Once she was out of the room Hershel looked to Julia who finally peeled her eyes open to glance at him. She could see it before he said anything and just looked away at a wall blankly.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now