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Julia could be no older then thirteen as her head hangs down to look at the pavement

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Julia could be no older then thirteen as her head hangs down to look at the pavement. Her grandmother pacing and cussing a storm never saying the lords name in vain. Her beady eyes glancing to the girl repeatedly as she picks anxiously at her bracelet.

"Pastor Marvin says you spoke out in class again today." The old woman spat bitterly making the girl flinch but shake her head.

"Grandma he is lyin. I don't know why he says I do these bad things but I swear on the lord grandma I haven't." The girl pleads and that makes her grandmother turn around and smack her cheek. The girls head whips away as a hand print eagerly forms on her pale skin.

"How dare you- lie on the lord like that. Do you want to be a sinner Julianna? Like your whore mother? Me and the pastor have decided you will be taking private study sessions with him until you can learn what it means to be a good Christian girl do I make myself clear?" The her grandmother rants as Julia's eyes glaze over.

"Yes ma'am." She mutter as the old woman grabs her dragging her to the car.

Julia sits in the far corner of the room eyeing all the old people that stare at her. Her clothes defiantly came off as provocative compared to their sweater vests and ankle length skirts. Both things the girl hadn't worn in years.

"Miss would you like to play a game of- what are we playing?" He asks turning to someone making them explain as he goes "Ah."

"Would you like to play a game of scrabble?" He asks wheezing and Julia's eyes narrow but she slowly makes her way over plopping down in a chair far away from everyone else.

As Julia gets her letters a smile graces her face as spells out a word. Her word was Bitch.

The old people allowed it surprisingly making the girl laugh as she swore to give someone a heart attack.

Plus Julia could be really competitive.


Rick digs through a gun bag as Daryl paces now anxiously, it seems that was the reaction he had to most things.

"Them guns are worth more than gold. Gold won't protect your family or put food on the table. Your willing to give that up for this woman?" Daryl asks sounding surprised as Rick loads guns.

"If I knew we'd get Julia back, I might agree. But you think that vato across the way is just gonna hand her over?" T-dog asks since they all noticed the lack in women at the front line. Then again maybe they had them hidden inside, but G's provocative comments on Julia were disturbing.

Unbeknown to them it was just more of bluff to get the guns and give back their lady they didn't even want.

"You calling G a liar?" Miguel asks making Daryl instantly snap. "ARE YOU A PART IF THIS?!" He yells in the young man's face making him stare up at Daryl but say nothing.

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