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"STOP TOUCHING ME!" Julia continues to yell as the two men hold her and carry her away from the shed

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"STOP TOUCHING ME!" Julia continues to yell as the two men hold her and carry her away from the shed. Shane watches with a knowing look as they set Julia in a chair and she tries to bolt out of it. He watches her with his arms crossed an idea forming in his head.

"Julia I need you to calm down." Rick says in a serious tone as Julia tries to push past him and out of the chair. Him and Daryl ready to grab and drag her again.

"He was talking to her Rick! He was going to touch her, or make her touch him so she called for me." Julia sneers and once again tries to run just getting put back in her chair. "Let me ask her what happened okay? Just- stay here and let me talk to her." Rick calmly explains as he slowly moves away from Julia and walks to Raya and Carl who were getting scolded by Lori now.

Julia watches as Rick bends down and asks the kids something both look sheepish considering Lori just yelled at them. They calmly tell Rick nothing happened and that Raya just got scared when Randall got close and screamed.

And Daryl watched Julia stare at them with focus, he couldn't help but find it odd how Julia was acting. He knew she didn't like to be touched and yeah he was pissed too but it almost felt... different.

Rick nods and looks at Julia before having Raya come with him. "Raya says she just got scared. He didn't do anything." Rick drawls as Julia finally relaxes but now she glares at the small child.

"What were you doing in there? Do you understand how dangerous and stupid that was?" Julia asks standing from her chair to put her hands on her hips.

"I'm sorry....... Carl said we should go see him before you kill him....." Raya says with glazed over eyes. Getting yelled at by Lori didn't feel like as big of a deal since she always was scolding the kids. But to have Julia doing it..... Raya felt guilty and sad. Like she disappointed her.

"Rick. Control your kid and I'll control mine ya got that? Tell him the next suicide mission he has better include me or else I'm going to- I'm going to...... I'll hit him. I'm not against fighting child." Julia was trying to think of a threat but nothing sounded good. So she would smack him. (Just to be clear here not in an abusive way she just gonna smack him upside the head and lightly kick him. Nothing drastic.)

Rick didn't even have time to agree or disagree before Julia walked away briskly. She still felt heated and needed time away from the people causing it.

She found herself in the house cooking of all things, not a buffet or anything crazy just a stew for everyone.

One thing about Julia is she could cook simple stuff, just because she worked at a restaurant. She never cooked when she was home since she either spent all her money on drugs or just bought stuff from work.

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