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"Julia..." Shane laughs putting a noticeable amount of space between him and Lori but Julia's eyes stay glued to him like a cat with a mouse.

"Julia it's not what it looked like okay sweetheart? It was just- we were just hugging and talking something out." He says with a laugh and if you didn't know about their past or seen where his hand had been placed moments before.

You'd probably believe him.

But Julia could also see he was trying to act so innocent and unbothered it made him even more obvious to her. She also hated that he called her sweetheart, it made her eye noticeably twitch. But somehow his innocent act pissed her off more then some cringey nickname.

Because she had been the girl who had to sit and listen as excuses were made.

Except- she knew not to believe them.

"Just shut the fuck up you.... Fucking piece of horse shit. I don't know how much more of that I can take. The pathetic excuses. I know what you are, I know one when I see them. Men like you.... I'll admit I thought it would be Merle Dixon to do it first but-..... it's you. The cop. How ironic." Julia sneers as she takes a step inside the room looking around before settling her eyes on Lori for a second.

She was breathing heavy and stared between Julia and Shane as if she was scared of what was to come.

And she should be.

"Know what I am huh?" Shane asks taking a threatening step forward but Julia didn't even flinch as her hand balled into a fist. "What's that?" He asks in a sneer making Julia purse her lips with this look in her eyes.

It really was like a predator watching its prey. And Julia just needed him to move a certain way for her pounce.

"A monster. A rapist. All the same whatever you wanna call it officer but it's what you are." Julia voice was cold and unwelcome if. While also being creepy enough to scare anyone... even Shane.

But more so he didn't want his secret with Lori getting out, because deep down he knew this was wrong and that was the part making Julia sick. He's a cop- he knows right from wrong but so did her pastor so maybe these were the people she needed to focus more on.

The people you think you can trust.

"Leave." Julia's voice says as he laughs staring at her like she had told a funny joke or something. He may be fearful of her insanity but he believed himself to be far bigger and stronger then her. "Or what?" He asks his alcohol cover breath wafting into her face making the girl want to push away his close proximity.

"Leave or I'll fucking scream right now. If I have to I will say you tried to do it to me if Lori doesn't want to admit it- I'll fake cry make myself look vulnerable. Because you men may be good at playing the big scary bad wolf but I can play the victim ten times better. That or I could just castrate you the next chance I get. Maybe your fingers need to go too..... the choice is yours but- know I'm leaning towards the second option. Because a monster like you... should be dealt with." Her voice came out like ice and Shane sighs backing away before storming out of the room.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now