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Julia didn't speak for an entire week

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Julia didn't speak for an entire week.

She was put on laundry duty but so were a lot of the other women, Julia found it sexist but she kept her mouth shut for the time being. Her grandmother raised her from a young age to do work like this, tedious cleaning work. In her eyes it was the woman's role but in Julia's it was men being lazy sacks of shit.

Using woman as their personal maids.

Raya soon was playing with the other kids but she always came and sat next to Julia the moment her father left. Whenever he was around Raya avoided Julia letting the woman know he probably told Raya to stay away.

Julia agreed with him. Nothing good could ever last for Julia, she'd seen proof of that her whole life. It would be better for the girl to stay away then get dragged into Julia's bad juju.

Especially when the girl went on tangents that Julia hardly understood. Half the time it was asking questions that went unanswered but sometimes the girl spoke of people and things Julia had never heard of. Like some cartoon dog that the seven year old used to watch day in and day out.

It also didn't help that Lori grimes would watch Julia like a hawk muttering loudly for her distrust on the mute girl. She said the woman's silence was eerie and creepy.

Merle Dixon found it quite the opposite he found it intriguing and flirted with her more then he did the other women.

He got the same result each time where Julia wouldn't speak but keep her eyes on him. He knew if he touched her that would make her talk but that also would get a sword to his throat again.

His brother Daryl stayed silent throughout the whole exchange but Julia could feel him staring from time to time.

For some reason people avoided the brothers and not her despite her lack in conversation the other women tried really hard to get her to open up. During laundry they would mention the usual of men, kids, their old lives, some even tried mentioning sex to Julia.

Tried to joke about it.

The girl didn't find the topic too amusing in fact most times she'd walk away or face her back more to them.

The women even tried to offer her clothes since the Georgia heat had her sweating buckets but the girl shook her head and kept using her long sleeves. Sometimes she'd wear shorts but- that's because she didn't have anything to hide on her legs....

Her arms still had signs of needle marks and bruising but they were getting a little faint now. And- the scar on Julia's back was branded right between her shoulders. She couldn't wear tank tops.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now