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*Hey guys sorry I've just been having a really rough week with work, my cat being sick, and trying to prepare for my vacation that's coming up. Plus someone reported all of my TikTok's getting a lot of the sounds removed so- I've just been stressed out.*


Julia went straight back to her cell not saying a word to anyone when they asked her how it went

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Julia went straight back to her cell not saying a word to anyone when they asked her how it went. She just crawled back upstairs and curled into a ball on her bed, her thoughts felt haywire. She felt like she was on the brick of insanity.

Julianna Wilson may be unhinged but she had never felt so lost in her own mind. Yes there were times she would just- zone out. Lose time.

Right now it was kind of like that but she just kept reliving all the worst memories with Marvin. She should have killed him, knowing he was in the same prison as her made her shake. Her whole body shakes uncontrollably as her eyes burn. He could just- waltz in. He could do the same to someone else..... she should have killed him.

Footsteps sounded on the landing and Julia curled more into herself holding her one sword right as she watched the door. A shadow cast of a man coming closer as Julia slowly sits up ready to charge.

Rick Grimes walks into her room with his head down, looking up he seemed to assess her as her rigid body still looked ready to attack him.

He didn't enter her room but stayed at the door frame looking uneasy, he was covered in fresh blood. "Why didn't you say anything?" Rick whispers and Julia looks away but her body stayed stiff as if she couldn't relax.

It was like their relationship had taken two steps forward and then three steps back. Her comfortability felt numbed like it too was lost in the memories.

"I don't know." She mumbles and Rick nods slowly sighing he didn't know what to say or do. "I killed him." He says in a serious tone that makes Julia perk up and slowly meet his gaze. Her body went loose a bit but- she still felt itchy all over. Thinking of how he almost grabbed her today. How he smiled at her like they were long lost friends.

Marvin made her feel filthy, like she could never feel clean again.

The blood coating her skin no longer felt like a prize but a sin she needed scratch off her skin. "At first I didn't even notice him. Not until they followed us here." Julia admits as Rick listens. "The way he kept staring at me- and what he said when we were doing the food.... And just now. It made me feel like I was that girl again." She whispers brokenly on how small she felt in that moment.

"He is never going to hurt you again. I'm telling you right now Julia I am going to protect you okay any man that wants to hurt you ever again will have to go through me." Rick assures and Julia wanted to believe him.

She just couldn't yet...... or maybe ever in a world like this.

"I know you'll try, that's all I can ask for. But- no matter what happens Rick? It's not your fault. And I don't just mean that with just me..... if any of us were to die. Any of us. You always did right by us, always protected us, and I feel like those memories will matter in the end. Sometimes I feel like those butt munches take advantage of it but- subconsciously they still have to see it." Julia says like her old quiet self with the nickname making Rick smile and nod.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now