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Julia moans softly as her gaze stares at the bright blue sky that somehow seemed brighter then normal

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Julia moans softly as her gaze stares at the bright blue sky that somehow seemed brighter then normal. Her eyes squint against the sun and she slowly lifts her head to see Daryl standing up with pain filled grunts.

Julia bit back a hiss as she proceeded to do the same although once she was fully on her feet she did cuss lowly. Daryl began to cut his sleeves off to tie around the arrow in his side as Julia slowly walks over to him breathing heavy.

"Way to go shit for brains." She pants with a slight snarl. He slowly turns towards her with the most heated glare she's ever seen from him.

"Ain't my fault, damn horse got scared of a snake bucked us right off and landed our asses in this shit hole." Daryl says with venom while Julia rolls her eyes. If she was going to die here she had to blame someone, and she viewed herself as completely faultless

Julia decides to follow his actions on tying her arrow but it being broken would be harder. So she ripped the bottom of her shirt since she wore a tank top.

After tying it off she follows his gaze up the steep hill and Julia furrows her brows in confusion before scoffing.

The only way out was up the steep ass hill.

"We're dead." Julia says simply before sitting down on the shore with her legs out stretched. Daryl scoffs at that and goes back into the water getting his crossbow and arrows. Julia could be heard muttering about the stupidity of men like usual.

"Yeah get the thing that's stabbed us I'm sure that'll solve it. Hey- can you dig out my arrow.... With another arrow." Julia patronizes as he growls lowly to himself he really was getting fed up with her commentary.

"I'm goin up. I'll get help. Stay your ass here lord knows you've done enough." He sneers before climbing up the hill as Julia simply watches him struggle, scoffing at the last part.

"YOU GOT IT YOUR LIKE- A TENTH OF THE WAY THERE!" Julia yells like a cheerleader but giving depressing stats only pushing Daryl to keep climbing due to his anger and annoyance.

Julia watched as it took him a very long time but he finally got a good distance. She decided she'd save her energy for the rescue party, or climb out when she felt like it. Surely he was making it look harder then it actually was.

As Julia stared around the creek for any signs of danger or maybe even Sophia she heard a loud thud and turned to see Daryl landing less then five feet from her.

"Hello again." She teases but he doesn't answer and Julia slowly looks at him to see if he was glaring or something. Instead he looked dazed and she could see more blood coming from his head and wound.

"Daryl?" She asks to see if he was still conscious for that matter but she receives no answer and stands up walking over to him.

Julia's face hovers over his own and he slowly looks up at her making her smile and put her hands on her hips. "Thought you might've keeled over for a moment there, that would be so lame to tell the group that you died at your own arrow though." Julia still teases when Daryl begins muttering to no one.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now