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Julia was perched against a far wall glaring at the new prisoner that joined the group

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Julia was perched against a far wall glaring at the new prisoner that joined the group. Oscar. She could stand him a little better then his blabber mouth friend Axel but that didn't make her relax any less. Men were to not be trusted, especially prisoners who were in here for a reason.

Maybe Marvin wasn't the only one who lied about why he was arrested.

Julia may be paranoid and on edge but she would keep this group safe, especially with Rick out of commission.

All you could hear in the room was spoons hitting their bowls, Julia stabbing her bowl aggressively. Oscar glanced here and there but other wise he just avoided her gaze completely. Hershel tried to get her to sit down like everyone else but she stayed leaned on the wall.

"Everybody okay?" Rick says suddenly appearing from the tunnels. Julia staring at him for signs of distress before staring Oscar down who looked uncomfortable with Ricks sudden entrance.

Slowly people eyed Julia.

She was okay physicality but- mentally they believed she was about to have a breakdown as she was either snippier then normal or just utterly silent and glaring.

Julia would even glare at the baby but that's only when it cried, and- she looked more uncomfortable then angry.

"Yeah we are." Maggie tells Rick and his eyes slowly follow everyone else's to Julia who still stares at Oscar heatedly. Daryl kept looking up at her and tried to catch her eye here and there to give her a look.

He could see Oscar was a good guy but he knew why she was worried. He just wanted to have her relax a bit, she'd been tense since they originally found the prisoners. She didn't even look like she was getting good sleep with the bags under her eyes and almost sickly pale skin.

"What about you?" Julia suddenly says in a cold  short tone making Rick look from Carl to her before he swallows harshly and nods slowly.

"I cleared out the boiler block." Rick informs making Julia glance at him again to see his state. He looked like he finally changed and showered but he was still clearly grieving and looked like shit.

If it was competition on who looked worse and who was struggling the most mentally they could practically be tied.

"How May we're there?" Daryl asks with some surprise that he had cleaned out an entire block himself. "I don't know. A dozen, two dozen. I have ti get back. Just wanted to check on Carl." Rick says while patting Carl who avoids eye contact.

"Rick we can handle taking out the bodies. You don't have to." Glenn tries to say but Rick looks like he disagrees. "No I do." He says before approaching Daryl like he's the new leader.

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