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Julia wears gloves, and a makeshift mask out of a cloth to cover her nose from the burning bodies

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Julia wears gloves, and a makeshift mask out of a cloth to cover her nose from the burning bodies. She was helping stab walkers in the head around camp with her sword.

Raya sits on the Rv steps blankly staring out at camp as the adults try to clean the mess up. She already watched them take a knife to her fathers head and take him off to be buried.

The adults now stood at a stand still as there was still one issue. Amy.

Andrea still hovered over her dead sisters pale body covered in blood. She hadn't moved or taken the slightest break knowing the others would stab her sisters brain.

Rick tried to tell Andrea they needed to do it but that just resulted to a gun aimed at his face. Julia snorted as he immediately came bounding back like a dog with a tail between his legs. Everyone again just stood around and watched unsure what to do

Most were unsure and quiet.... Except Daryl.

"Y'all can't be serious. Let that girl hamstring us? The dead girls a time bomb." Darry says with disbelief.

"What do you suggest?" Rick asks making Daryl stare at him like it's obvious.

"Take the shot. Clean in the brain from here. Hell I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance." Daryl says while holding a bloody pick axe over his shoulder. Maybe he was offering to do it but Lori interrupted.

"No. For gods sakes let her be." Lori says while sitting and continuing to watch the sisters. Julia could be heard scoffing and muttering how she hoped it got Lori which definitely got a disappointed look from Dale as she shrugged.

Daryl scoffed too but he walked away unlike Julia. She stayed with the group at first as they sat there thinking but Julia didn't want time to think or relive things so she soon followed Daryl's lead of stabbing dead walkers again.

Suddenly he goes to a guy that had once been a member of camp and asks Julia to grab his legs as him and morales grab the arms.

Julia didn't know what they were doing until they started going to the fire making her nose scrunch knowing the smell of burning flesh would be stronger. But she still dragged the body unbothered by how inhumane it was.

"What are you guys doing? This is for geeks, our people go over there." Glen says with a point but Morlaes and Daryl keep going the opposite way.

"What's the difference? They're all infected." Daryl grunts carrying the heavy body but stops when Glen blocks their path. "Our people go in that row over there. WE DONT BURN THEM!" He yells looking at the trio like their monsters.

"We bury them. Understand? Our people go in that row over there." Glen says with slight hostility still blocking their path making the trio carry the body to the other pile.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now