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Julia clutches her swords tightly thankful Rick got them off one of the guards that had been transporting them

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Julia clutches her swords tightly thankful Rick got them off one of the guards that had been transporting them. Although a gun would be more preferable considering they were up shits creek. Having a life jacket without a paddle didn't really help with getting out of a sticky situation.

But Julia also knew the chances of her shooting well while this loopy were low. Very very low.

Julia didn't even know if she could focus enough to fight someone close up. She would try though.... She needed to make sure her group got out of there and back to the prison.

If she didn't make it she would consider it a fine way to go out in this shït world. It was better then being a walker or being eaten alive anyway.

As Rick throws the smoke grenades out Julia and the rest of their group go using the cover to make their way to one of the walls. Taking out people as they run through the minimum cover, Julia was falling behind but Daryl was close ready to drag her if he had to.

The gun fire really drones out all the surrounding noise but-

Julia could have sworn she heard a small child yelling and it made her body lock up and for Daryl to run into her back which hurt beyond belief. He began pushing the woman but she fought against him and even shushed him as he cussed for her to move.

"Your hallucinating let's go." He seethed and Julia is about to listen to him when she hears the child more distinctly, closer.

"MS JULIA!" Julia felt a lump form in her throat and knew she was either dead, dying or crazy. But looking at Daryl he looked surprised too..... he heard it.

Raya Carson.

"MS JULIA DONT LEAVE WITH OUT ME!" Raya screams and a little girl comes running up from behind them through the fog.

Everything felt like it moved in slow motion as a small figures shape slowly appeared in the fog. The closer it got the more features visible showing the familiar short haired blonde child.

There wasn't enough time for a proper reunion considering they were in the middle of a shoot out but Julia grabs Raya roughly and begins dragging her along. Daryl taking the rear behind the both of them while still looking like he too had seen a ghost by seeing Raya.

Her little hand felt unreal but Julia didn't care if this really was some giant delusion and she was still being tortured in the governors evil dungeon. Because this was better then the reoccurring dream she had of the small child being ripped to pieces by the dead.

Plus- maybe she did know it was real if the wound on her back wasn't there she probably could think clearer but right now..... everything was blurry and overly stimulating.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now