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Julia sulked for a few days after that run in with Marvin, people came with food and tried to talk but she'd snatch the bowl or plate and stay mute

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Julia sulked for a few days after that run in with Marvin, people came with food and tried to talk but she'd snatch the bowl or plate and stay mute. Finally Daryl came to her cell and glared at her with his hands on his hips.

"Get up. Your helpin us burn the bodies today." He says with finality as Juli slowly faces him with a scowl and annoyance. "No thanks I'm taking a much needed break, you should look into it really. Labor laws used to state that-" Julia was going to say some smart ass comment but Daryl wasn't having it anymore.

"Get. Up." He emphasized each word and Julia stops speaking and narrows her eyes at him.

"Or what? You gonna make me?" She asks sarcastically but he just nods as she scoffs and rolls her eyes. "I'd love to see you try dick head." She snaps and goes to look away from him when he steps into her room and grabs her effortlessly.

"PUT ME DOWN DICK HEAD ILL FUCKING BEAT YOUR ASS PUT ME DOWN!" Julia screams as everyone listens from the table as they ate breakfast.

All of them looked absolutely gobsmacked as Daryl walks in carrying a thrashing Julia over his shoulder.

"I WILL CUT YOUR EYELIDS OFF JACKASS PJT ME DOWN!" She screams as he sits her at the table making her stop look at everyone and then glare at him. To make matters worse he locked the door to the cells making Julia ready to cut his hand off for the keys.

"Julia- please we could really use your help." Rick states and Julia shoots one more look at Daryl before sighing. "It's not like I have many options. Besides since you asked nicely and said please sure. Some cave men could learn a thing or two about manners." She spat bitterly at Daryl who almost looked smug now.

That just made Julia grumble until they were finished eating and heading out to the grass field.

"Okay let's get the other car in. We'll park them in the west entry of the yard." Rick explains as Julia leans on the bus still bitter as Daryl comes up beside her. "Good. Our vehicles camped out there look like a giant vacancy sign." Daryl's green before casually coming up even closer to Julia who side eyes him with a scowl.

She knew she shouldn't be mad at him considering she had sulked for days. But she still wanted to give him a smack upside the head..... she'd definitely do that when he least expected it....

Julia looking more chipper at the thought alone had Daryl staring at her with some suspicion but he didn't pry.

"After that we need to load up these corpses so we can burn' em." Rick announces as T-Dog voices Julia's concerns. "Gonna be a long day."

"Where's Glenn and Maggie? We could use some help." Carol says while coming up on the other side of Julia who she had been concerned for the past few days. She planned to ask about it today while they working the yard.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now