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(Also I'm sorry for any misspelled words and stuff in previous chapters I dropped my phone in a creek last year and it's been shitting the end since. I try to fix it if I notice but my phone keeps placing random or wrong letters despite what I type.)


The next day everyone woke up and immediately Rick was ready to take the court yard and try to get inside the prison

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The next day everyone woke up and immediately Rick was ready to take the court yard and try to get inside the prison. Rick didn't want everyone going in only a select group of the stronger hand to hand fighters.

"Ready?" Hershel asks and Rick nods opening the sliding gate before leading their circle inside. T-Dog stabbing the first Walker as Julia takes the rear between Daryl and Maggie.

"Daryl." Rick calls as a Walker comes from the side, Daryl spotting it and stabbing it in the head with a knife.

Julia didn't mind the lack in action as she took the far rear of the group her back was still sore. The others tried to call walkers over to the fence to pierce them but they wanted the moving bait.

The circle they had split up a bit and Glenn began yelling to get tight again but the others were lost in battle thoughts. Julia sighing knowing she had to see some action or else she'd feel useless having done nothing to help. So when t-dog broke from the group to grab a riot shield Julia ran over killing the Walker on the ground.

Rick called for her and Daryl gave her a pointed look as she re joined the group circle.

Rick looks around the corner and cusses lowly before having everyone throw their backs to the wall. Two walkers wearing full riot gear uniforms enter the court yard from around the dumpster making their way to the group.

They all knew if the laid of walkers inside the gate saw them approach they would surely bunch up into a herd and follow.

Two more of these walkers round the corner even closer then the others.

Daryl tried to shoot one of them through the plastic mask but it proves ineffective making Julia snort wanting tell them how stupid it was but there was no time.

As Rick and t-dog leaned off the door going for the uniformed walkers one wearing a gas mask comes out of the tower they had just been standing in front of.

Julia uses her sword to chop through its head effortlessly hitting it in the back of the head so it drops. Due to all the commotion the walkers begin to come through the gate and move towards the group.

Daryl immediately takes down a female civilian Walker.

Rick calls for Daryl and they close the gate in front of the walkers as Maggie, Glenn, T-Dog and Julia try to take out the riot gear walkers which proved difficult.

Finally as one latched onto Maggie and Julia unable to bite or scratch Maggie lifts one of their masks up and stabs it through the neck and chin.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now