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Everyone sits outside now as the sun was setting they'd waited there all day for Sophia, just in case she heard the bells but- she never came

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Everyone sits outside now as the sun was setting they'd waited there all day for Sophia, just in case she heard the bells but- she never came. Shane and Rick could be seen disputing ten feet away and Julia didn't need to listen to know in what. Rick was spewing hope while Shane was disregarding it all saying the girl was dead without saying it.

Julia just scoffs staring at her bloody combat boot with furrowed eyebrows. Raya sat in the ground next to her slowly looks up and smiles at Julia trying to be friendly.

"M- Julia can I ask ha somethin?" The little blondes voice asks curiously as Julia's leg bounced. "You probably would anyway so go ahead." Julia states making the child scrunch her nose taking some offense before it's quickly forgotten.

"Are you and Mr Daryl datin?" Raya asks so only Julia could hear and Julia wished she hadn't because she choked on her saliva hearing it.

"What the hell made you think that? And no..... boys have cooties." Julia says awkwardly as Raya shrugs before pointing to the arrow on her hip. "Then why'd you steal his arrow?" She asks curiously and Julia shrugs.

"To annoy him because he pissed me off." Julia explains like it's normal but Raya just smile's mischievously clutching her teddy bear closer to her chest.

"So- your bein mean to him?" She asks with her little southern drawl making Julia nod vigorously trying to show she in fact did not have anything going on with the red neck..... anymore.

"That means ya like him." Raya exclaims making Julia shush her and clamp a hand to her mouth as the others could be felt having curious glances. "What bullshit are you ranting about." Julia asks with a scowl but the small blonde girl just smiles knowingly and looks to Daryl. He glances to the two also curious but his face remained passive with no emotion.

"My daddy used to say that when boys or girls are mean to each other it means they like each other. I had a boy named David who would pull my pig tails everyday, stole my pencils, and said mean things for a month until I told my daddy. He said the reason he did all that is because he liked me. So- that means your stealing his arrow because you like him." She says with a giant smile as Julia looked at her dead panned.

"That is-........ the stupidest shit I've ever heard. Sometimes sweetheart you can just be mean and nasty because you hate someone." Julia said it so sweetly at first but after the pause her voice came out cold and harsh.

"Why are you mad at him?" She asks and Julia sighs aggressively and looks at her exasperated. "Because he's an ass." Julia says it simply as Raya still looks confused and mutters something that makes Julia side eye her but not comment. She was pretty sure the girl said something about swearing being bad but Julia swore like a sailor.

"Ahem!" Shane says while walking over once again trying to give off a leader type vibe but Julia just halted him down as his eyes catch with hers briefly.

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