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Dean looked hurt as Julia stares at him with utter confusion as Raya makes a cringing face for the poor man

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Dean looked hurt as Julia stares at him with utter confusion as Raya makes a cringing face for the poor man. She kind of wanted to tell him he deserved it but- that could wait.

"I'm uh- uh Dean Warren..... We used to go to the same church together." He says the last part like he loathes even mentioning that place as Julia narrows her eyes at him.

"And I'm supposed to what? Give a shit that we were both raised in the same cult or something? Is that what you thought was going to happen right now? I was supposed to tell these guys your all good to come back with us? Is that seriously what you thought was going to happen?" Julia spat as Dean gulps against her blade that had definitely cut a little under his chin.

"I mean-..... I don't know..... I just- Julia I'm not a bad guy I swear, and I can explain better when we don't have a full audience." Dean says simply but his eyes flick to Raya as if to say not in front of the child at least.

Julia scoffs and shakes her head, "Yeah no thanks you might as well run back to that tiny dicked loser with your tail tucked between your legs. Anyone that went to that church is nothing but a monster."

Dean closes his eyes and sighs he kind of felt- empty now. His whole purpose after finding Raya was to keep her safe and find Julia. And right now he was on the verge of losing both of them.

But Dean didn't care for his own feelings.

If Julia Wilson wanted him gone for her own comfortability then he'd leave. He'd constantly be thinking of her and Raya but- he'd just keep going through this world like he did before the governor. By himself.

"Okay." Dean says firmly before glancing at Julia's group and beginning to walk away.

"NO!" Raya yells running after Dean and grabbing his hand and facing her group. "If he goes then- then I'm going with him." Raya says with determination as Rick runs a hand down his face sighing.

"We can't take him Raya he's a stranger." He tries to calmly explain but she shakes her head with glazed over eyes. "Not to me he's not. He..... tries to cook, gets me toys and snacks while on runs, and he's funny and nice. Please let him come with us." Raya pleads and her eyes look at everyone that still looks uneasy.

Her eyes stay glued to Julia who looks stoic her eyes slowly moving to Dean before clenching her jaw.

"I say- he can come. We lost Oscar we could use the man power." Julia says it like she's been shot in the foot and would rather be doing physically anything else.

"Hold on you'll let this prick back with us but not Merle?" Daryl asks with annoyance as Rick shoots him a look.

"Merle's blood." Daryl says again as Rick looks amongst his group eyes trailing to Raya and then Michonne. "Watch her right here. We need to discuss." Rick says making Michonne narrow her eyes at him before slowly looking at the blonde child that tries to smile at her. She immediately looked away.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now