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Finally once all the food was moved over they go back to the cell block

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Finally once all the food was moved over they go back to the cell block. Rick gives silent weapons to the prisoners. Julia is perched on the far wall watching the men grab at the weapons. Tomas stares at a crowbar with distaste, "Why do I need this when I got this?" He asks once again flashing the pistol. Julia scoffs about his tiny dick energy once again.

"You don't fire guns, not unless your backs up against a wall. Noise attracts them. It really rules them up." Daryl explains as the prisoners look scared but try to appear tough.

Marvin was sat at the table as Axel rubbed his shoulder comforting him, Julia wondering if any of them knew what he had gone to prison for committing. She heard guys like him had it rough in prison so she assumed not.

"We'll go in two by two. Daryl will run point with T. I'll bring up the rear with you." Rick says pointing to Andrew. "Julia..... you stay in front of me." Rick says it with a look over the men, Tomas giving her a look as his eyes stayed glued to her chest.

"We stay tight, hold formation no matter how close the walkers get. Anyone breaks ranks, we could all do down. Anyone runs off, they could get mistaken for a Walker, end up with a sword to the head." Rick says with eyes trailing to Julia who squeezes her Sword handle while staring the men down. She still hasn't cleaned Hershel's blood off yet.

"And that's where you aim. These things only go down with a head shot." Daryl explains when Tomas pipes in cocky once again.

"You ain't gotta tell us how to take out a man." He says with a wave of confidence that makes Julia eye him. She could definitely see him being a murderer, that's why she didn't trust him around their group.

"They ain't men. They're something else." T-dog assures as some of the men still look weary. Julia wanted to make fun of the men but she stayed quiet her throat felt unnaturally dry.

"Just remember to go for the brain." Rick says one more time before going towards the door. The men grabbing their choice weapons as Julia sticks close to Rick.

The tunnels were still dark, Julia didn't hold a flash light this time as she held her weapons at her sides ready for the simplest movement or betrayal.

She wanted to move quick and simultaneously.

"Man it's too damn dark in here." Oscar complains as Daryl tells them how to hold their weapons. Julia had her swords at her side though to appear less threatening for now. Julia could feel Rick close behind her Marvin was placed in the middle like a protective circle.

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