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Thankfully Rick brought Julia a shirt before the dinner could take place in the house with the entire group

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Thankfully Rick brought Julia a shirt before the dinner could take place in the house with the entire group. Julia didn't thank him as she was still angry about being pinned down to the bed but he didn't take it personally.

He also didn't take it personally when she grabbed the shirt and whipped him in the stomach with it.

Julia turned her back against the wall laying on her side to eye Daryl and the door. He on the other hand had his back willing to the door as he stared right back at Julia.

Both still looked pissed to the other.

"If you think about it one good thing came out of this." Julia says with a sigh clearly bored and unable to sleep with him in the room. Daryl scoffed at that and glares at her harsher if possible.

"How ya figure?" He asks with attitude making Julia narrow her eyes at him disdainfully before shrugging.

"Listen to it out there. Sounds depressing and tense, no one talking and just the clanking of silverware." Julia notes making them both go silent and listen before Daryl shakes his head.

"Their damn fault for trying to act like this shit ain't happening." He spat with annoyance since he and Julia risked their lives looking for Sophia while others just did a quick sweep.

"Can I ask you something?" Julia asks with clear caution letting the red neck know she for once was uncertain in what she wanted to ask. Funny considering she didn't tend to filter anything that spewed from her mouth.

"You know what I will anyway since I don't need your permission." and there it was.

"Who the hell were you talking to today? After your second fall you were like- talking to yourself. I don't even do that." Julia teases making him scoff and stare at her like she just said some bullshit.

"Ya always talk to yer damn self. Usually about men being stupid." He states incredulously as she rolls her eyes and scoffs at him. "That's not me talking to myself that's me lowly speaking to you guys hoping it'll power some part of your brains. Hasn't worked yet." She adds making him huff as she stares at him expecting an answer from her original question.

"......None of ya damn business." He sneers and Julia narrows her eyes at him and shakes her head. "Whatever I was just curious." She mutters looking towards the doorway instead of directly at him.

"It's not like you owe me for your arrow piercing me or something." She adds after a pause making him look at her with a blank face clearly just annoyed by her mere presence and pestering. "The arrow ya stole? Maybe if ya didn't touch others shit it wouldn't of happened." He says with exhaustion closing his eyes deciding he'd try to sleep to escape her constant talking.

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