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"So what do we do just wait for them to pass out?" Glenn asks desperately since Julia and Hershel were just not budging

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"So what do we do just wait for them to pass out?" Glenn asks desperately since Julia and Hershel were just not budging. Rick wouldn't put his hands on Julia nor Hershel knowing it would set them both off.

Plus- Rick didn't know if he would ever even be able to touch Julia, but he understood now. And he could live with that as long as he could keep her safe, he would refrain from his affectionate pats. Rick would keep his emotions in check and he wouldn't hug the girl either not without asking permission first. And if she said no.... He would respect that. And if anyone tried to hurt her again he would kill them with his bare fucking hands.

"Just go. Just go!" Hershel calls hearing them as Julia waves a drunk hand for them to leave already. "We're fine." Julia says with a snort and sipping some more alcohol as Rick sighs from the door way with Glenn.

"I promised Maggie and Daryl I'd bring you both home safe." Rick states confidently making Julia do a weird drunk purr noise.

"Daryl you say." Julia says while leaning on the bar wiggling her brows making Hershel sigh and mutter. "You should've mentioned him sooner let's go." Julia says with a bubbly laugh setting her cup down as Rick shakes his head with an amused smile.

"Like you promised that little girl?" Hershel calls in a drunk manner making Julia freeze halfway to Rick. "Damn..... that was fücking cold...... I'm actually impressed." Juli says with a nod while making a face as Rick doesn't look happy at all.

He storms forward past Julia and towards Hershel who keeps his back to the past cop.

"So what's your plan? Finish that bottle? Drink yourself to death and leave your girls alone?" Rick asks and that finally set Hershel off. Poor Glenn was trying make sure Julia didn't fall without touching her but every time his hand got a little too close Julia would grab her sword sheath.

"Stop telling me how to care for my family, my farm. You people are like a plague! I do the Christian thing, give you shelter, and you destroy it all!" Hershel yells as Julia blinks slowly a glare coming to her face.

"The world was already in bad shape when we met." Rick excuses before Julia could say something nasty to a drunk aggravated Hershel. He didn't need two drunk aggressors to take back to the farm.

"And you take no responsibility! You're supposed to be their leader!" Hershel yells getting up in Ricks face making a drunk Julia stumble her way towards the two men.

She was ready for a fight and she would fight for Rick.

"Well, I'm here now, aren't I?" Rick yells back and Hershel seems to back up and look like he'd given up and goes back to his drink while saying a bunch of yes's.

"Now come on. Your girls need you now more than ever." Rick says while grabbing Hershel's arm but the old man roughly pulls away. "I didn't want to believe you. You told me there was no cure, that these people were dead, not sick. I chose not to believe that. But when Shane shot Lou in the chest and she just kept coming, that's when I knew what an ass I'd been, that Annette had been dead long ago and I was feeding a rotten corpse! That's when I knew there was no hope. And when that little girl came out of the barn, the look on your face- I knew you knew it too. Right? There is no hope. And you know it now, like I do. Don't you?" Hershel rants making Julia blink profusely before looking to Glenn.

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