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Julia stays in the car as they pull over surely running low on gas, they didn't even have much food

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Julia stays in the car as they pull over surely running low on gas, they didn't even have much food. The group had no where to go.... They just had to avoid the giant herd.

Slowly Julia gets out to join everyone but Hershel stares at her in concern. "You shouldn't be walking around." He tries to scold but she just walks past him and leans on the car.

Hershel finally leaves her be when he realizes she wasn't going to sit.

"Everyone stop panicking and listen to Rick." Hershel demands making Julia look to him for the first time. Rick looked pale he looked almost sickly, he looked to be grieving. That's when Julia asked what happened to the others getting brief rundown on how they got attacked. Rick looked away when Shane was mentioned.

"All right, we'll set up a perimeter. In the morning, we'll find gas and some supplies. We'll keep pushing on." Rick explains making Julia nod slowly she needed to be kept busy right now. Stuck in her own head wasn't helping.

"Glenn and I can go make a run now, try and scrounge up some gas." Maggie offers but Rick turns it down instantly. "No we stay together. God forbid something happens and people get stranded without a car." Rick snaps aggressively making Julia eye him funny.

He really seemed off.

"Rick- we're stranded now." Glenn says with desperation as Rick waves it off. "I know it looks bad, we've all been through hell and worse, but at least we found each other. I wasn't sure I really wasn't- but we did. We're together. We keep it that way." Rick informs making Julia sigh but nod.

"We'll find shelter somewhere. There's gotta be a place." Rick tries to give them hope but- the group could see it was false promises.

"No offense Ricky- dicky doo dah grimes but uh..... we're basically up shits creek right now. Look around. Nothing here for miles." Julia slurs pinching at her eyebrows as Hershel moves towards her in case she fell.

"She's right Rick- there's walkers everywhere. They're migrating or something." Glenn says but a Rick had to keep some hope alive. "There's gotta be a place not just where we hole up, but that we fortify, hunker down, pull ourselves together, build a life for each other. I know it's out there we just have to find it." Rick exclaims making Julia eye him funny again.

"Even if we do find a place and we think it's safe, we can never be sure. For how long? Look what happened with the farm. We fooled ourselves into thinking that that was safe." Maggie says with Julia's usual doom and gloom. Julia was just unnaturally quiet as she kept rubbing at her aching head.

"We won't make that mistake again." Hershel says gravely making Julia snort as all eyes go to her ready for the usual comment but she just stayed mute.

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