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Julia sits in the Rv with her arms crossed as Raya talks to her animatedly about some cartoon again that Julia would never and has never seen

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Julia sits in the Rv with her arms crossed as Raya talks to her animatedly about some cartoon again that Julia would never and has never seen. The little girl didn't even notice the lack in interest as she laughed and spoke.

"I think this is it." Dale says with some hope in his voice seeing the layout of the farm. It was big, this would definitely be a good camp since the quarry.

Raya immediately stopped mid ramble and pressed face to the glass with a smile. "LOOK JULIA ITS JUST LIKE OLD MCDONALDS FARM!" Raya yells excitedly she evens sings the song making Julia stare at her before sighing softly to herself.

"It's going to be a long day." She mutters before rolling her shoulders back trying to relax her tension. There would be men here possibly and that made Julia anxious she grew used to the men around her enough to know who was more likely to do something.... Shane.

But these people were strangers, and strangers being an unknown element that can surprise or betray you anytime.

As soon as the Rv was parked Raya went running outside followed by a weary Julia. Carol and Lori immediately flock to each other as Julia stays back a bit unsure.

Dale hugged Rick as Carol hugged Lori, Julia just scrunched her face when she saw Rick look to step towards her too before stopping and stepping back from her.

"How did it happen?" Julia asks with a glare aimed around as if she were looking for someone to blame unbeknownst to her the man who'd done it was dead.

"Hunting accident. That's all- just a... stupid accident." Rick explains calmly as Julia slowly nods once again moving her eyes around trying to see who looked guilty.

"How's is he?" Dale asks cautious of the fact maybe the boy was no longer with them.

"He'll pull through, thanks to Hershel and his people." Lori says before smiling at Hershel who doesn't return the gesture. Julia got the impression he didn't like their presence much.

"And Shane. We'd have lost Carl with out him." Rick says in a thankful tone but Julia feels her eyes go to Shane and- he looks bald and guilty that makes Julia suspicious but she wondered what he did.

Everyone still seems grim though and Julia can't help but snort and look around at all the long faces.

"Who died?" She asks jokingly but a bit of venom in it and instantly a blonde older woman muffled a sob as Julia goes wide eyes looking to Rick who sighs.

"Oh- uh sorrows, sorrows, prayers." She mumbles awkwardly as the woman regains herself slowly.

If the matters couldn't get worse Julia was forced to attend the funeral of the man she'd just illy joked abouts death. Everyone was also forced to add a rock to a memorial shrine for him that made Julia grimace but do it as Rick gave her a pleasing look.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now