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After avoiding the new group all day and just letting them sit in a tense unsure atmosphere Rick finally left the cells to the small communal area

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After avoiding the new group all day and just letting them sit in a tense unsure atmosphere Rick finally left the cells to the small communal area.

Everyone in the group besides Julia was there also unsure what their leader had decided to do with the new arrivals. After returning from Woodbury he seemed to be once again in a sour mood.

His demeanor actually frightened Raya a bit, he seemed angrier and less friendly like the man she last knew him as. Raya believed it had to to do with Lori dying, she remembered being out of it when her mom and dad died so she understood as much as a child could.

But that didn't help her unease around the man.

"I'm Tyreese." Tyreese immediately introduces himself as rest of his group looked to him as the leader. He even stuck his hand out for Rick to shake but Rick only stares blankly for a moment before glancing at his own group behind him.

Tyreese slowly lowers his outstretched hand as Hershel introduces the rest of the new small group.

Rick once again looks around at his own group paranoid before looking to Tyreese with some hostility. "How did you get in?" Rick asks straight to the point making Allen and Ben share uneasy looks.

"Fire damage to the administrative part of the prison. Walls down." Tyreese explains calmly as Rick squints still looking weary of the new people. "That sides completely overrun with walkers. How'd you get this far?" Rick asks making Tyreese inform him of Donna.

"They were lost in the tombs." Carl says softly and immediately Rick whips around and stares his own son down. Raya couldn't help but flinch beside Carl at the stern gaze.

"You brought them here?" Rick snaps as Hershel tries to mediate the situation and keep things calm. "He had no choice."

Rick slowly looks away and looks to Tyreese again this time with some sympathy. "I'm sorry about your friend. We know what that's like." Rick says gravely and for a brief moment Raya feels relived to see the old Rick she remembered from the farm and their first camp.

"Hershel said you could use some extra hands. We're no stranger to hard work. We'll go out get our own food, stay out of your hair. You got a problem with another group we'll help with that too. Anything to contribute." Tyreese offers and Rick really looks to consider it.

But then his eyes cast down to his feet and he says a quiet no at first.

"Please. It's like "10 little Indians" out there. It's just us now." Sasha tries to convince him and again Rick says no making Hershel look grim and Raya to look confused.

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