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Julia stares at the prisoners but due to the dark and situation she can't look at their faces well

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Julia stares at the prisoners but due to the dark and situation she can't look at their faces well. She glares at them more but slowly crouches to Hershel. "Who the hell are you?" Daryl asks as a prisoner says the same thing back with attitude.

Julia could already tell these men were monsters.... At least a majority of them.

"He's bleeding out we gotta go back." Rick demands as Daryl keeps his bow trained on the prisoners.

"Come around here. Put pressure on the knee. HARD HARD. PUSH PUSH." Rick instructs Maggie who puts pressure on her fathers wound. Julia looking around for something to help carry the immobilized man. But she wouldn't check where the men were.

"Why don't you come on out of there? Slow and steady." Daryl tells the prisoners who slowly leave the caged area looking confused.

"What happened to him?" The one says that had taken the lead to come out first Daryl keeping him in his sights. "He got bit." Daryl says coldly while the guy grabs the gun from the front of his pants. "Bit?" He says with fear.

Julia immediately steps in front of Hershel's body easing her own pistol. She stares down the one guy and not the others, if he shot she'd drop him quick.

T-dog pulls out his too and aims it at the man who was clearly out numbered. "Whoa whoa whoa easy now. Nobody needs to get hurt." Daryl says calmly while Julia scoffs.

Glenn asks if the group has medical supplies before rushing past them into the room they came from. One of the men calls after him but Glenn looks around as Julia still trains her gun on the one man. One wrong move.

Julia wanted him to do it. She wanted to spill his blood- he was a bad man. They all were. Prisoners....... They were evil not the innocent.

"Who the hell are story people anyway?" The prisoner leader asks with his gun aimed at Daryl. "Don't look like no rescue team." The man with a funny mustache says crossing his arms anxiously as Julia narrows her eyes scoffing. How stupid could they be. "Fücking shrimp dicked idiots." The girl sneers before helping Rick lift Hershel up into a cart Glenn found in the kitchen.

"HOLY JESUS!" The man with the funny mustache exclaims at the sight of the figured leg . "T THE DOOR." Rick instructs as the smaller black man stares in shock at the fact they'd of open the door with the undead waiting.

"Are you crazy? Don't open that!" He explains as Rick frustratedly yells back. "WE GOT THIS." He assures and when a riot gear Walker walks in T-Dog takes it as Julia stands in front of Hershel's makeshift medical cart.

One more prisoner Walker enters and before it could grab T-Dog Julia slices it head clean in half with her blade as the mustache man gags behind her.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now