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The next few months had been harsh on the group since losing the farm and watching the barn burn down

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The next few months had been harsh on the group since losing the farm and watching the barn burn down.

They all were coated in filth due to all the creeks and water sources being mostly dried up or too cold. They never found permanent shelter the group moved every single day trying to avoid the same herd that took the farm from them.

Using a map to track their movements and try to find supplies in the areas they hadn't cleaned out.

As a group they grew close. Really close.

Julia would consider them close friends but- sometimes she felt a weird new emotion she's never felt before. The thought of any of them dying would crush her, it would crush her more then Dale or..... Raya. The others kept casually calling their group a family which would always make Julia snort and move away from them.

She grew closer to Carol and Daryl, they tended to be there for her a lot. Carol would talk animatedly of Sophia to the pair which they'd then ask about Raya.

At first Julia stayed to herself but- then she told them of their free time drawing, playing mermaids at the quarry, and that Raya had said I love you that last day. Telling them she felt guilty for not saying it back even if she didn't mean it, because that had been their last conversation.

The pair gave her condolences saying the girl knew whether Julia said it or not that they had a strong bond but Julia would just wave them off.

The harsh winter also made Julia able to be touched more, only in respectable places. The wind and temperature were freezing and sometimes the bonfire didn't cut it. So- the group would have a big giant cuddle party practically. It was to preserve warmth but the first few times Julia didn't want to partake.

Quite literally telling the group, "I would rather freeze to death like the people on the titanic then touch any of you," But Rick forced her to join in saying he wasn't losing someone from hypothermia of all things.

So Julia got used to Ricks affectionate pats, Carol's rubbing of her arms and back, even Carol playing with her hair.

But when it came to time for the group snuggle Julia always tried to take the end or outside piece. Which Daryl refused to give and Julia would try to physically get on the other side of him but he wouldn't budge at her pushing.

When the weather became nice again for spring Julia decided no more group cuddles for her. If Julia believed in god that's when she would have been thanking him.

So- here the group was now. Clearing out an abandoned house that looked terrible on the inside as it was filthy. Carl immediately searching the cupboards for food as Julia sighs and just leans against the wall.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now