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The ringing wouldn't stop

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The ringing wouldn't stop.

It muffled the bloody baby crying in Julia's arms but- she just stares at the baby with no emotion. Someone in her peripheral could be seen moving closer but Julia didn't even flinch. She didn't blink. Holding this baby in her arms was a lot of things, a sign she had killed Lori to get it out, but also a reminder of what she lost.

Whoever was inching toward her stopped briefly to look at Rick. It was Daryl trying to get the frozen man's attention.

When Daryl could tell that was no use he goes to Julia with a concerned look as she just kept staring at the baby blankly. "Let me see the baby." Hershel says but Julia still doesn't do much as she blinks and continues to stare down at the being.

Someone resting their hand on her shoulder pulled her out of her thoughts though. She lifts her gaze and stares stoically at Daryl looking around as everyone kept staring at her. "Let him see the baby he said." Daryl mutters and Julia mutely nods walking to Hershel slowly as if moving to fast would injure the newborn.

"Can I take her to him?"  Carl asks and Julia nods passing the baby off. That once again just left her with bloody hands that her gaze locked on as she twisted them around in shock and locked in memory.

"We got anything a baby could eat?" Daryl asks repeatedly glancing at Julia who stares at her hands wide eyed. "The good news is she looks healthy. But she needs formula. And soon or she won't survive." Hershel states making Julia finally crack out of her memories and straighten up.

"Nope. No way. Not her. We ain't losing anybody else. I'm going for a run." Daryl says while putting his crossbow on his back.

Before anyone else could interject Julia stepped forward, "I'll come with you." She says in a determined voice but everyone looked iffy on her going.

"I'll go too." Glenn adds wanting to make sure he helped out and Maggie gave him a slight look but she understood this was needed for the baby's survival.

"Okay think where we're going. Beth." Daryl nods for Beth to follow him and Julia looks to Glenn expectedly, he was the man who knew runs best.

"Where to?" She asks and he pulls out a map as Maggie joins the pair looking at it.

"You two get the fence too many pile up we got ourselves a problem. GLENN! JULIA! VAMONOS." Daryl says making the two follow him slowly Julia wanted to say a biting comment but she'd hold it for now. She needed to look sane enough for this run.

Rick grabbing the ax it makes a noise as it briefly drags on the pavement. Immediately Maggie turns trying to call for the man but he left making Julia sigh and shake her head slowly.

The world really had gone to shit.

"Get the gate. Come on we're gonna lose the light." Daryl calls and the trio start running as they discuss where to go. "Theres a piggly wiggly on 85." Glenn informs but a Julia shakes her head while running.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now