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Julia walked through the woods for a few hours, she wasn't exactly sure where she was going but- she figured she could easily find her way back if need be

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Julia walked through the woods for a few hours, she wasn't exactly sure where she was going but- she figured she could easily find her way back if need be. She screamed for Sophia to still receive nothing back as she kept trekking forward.

It wasn't until she hit the interstate that she was able to find a landmark she recognized. Going to the car to see if she came back for any supplies Julia sighs seeing it all still untouched.

She goes and sits on the hood looking around with a grim expression. Maybe because deep down she was beginning to doubt the likelihood of the group finding her. Julia shook it off and did something she hadn't done in so long surely it wouldn't even work but-

She prayed.

Julianna Wilson hadn't prayed since her wedding day and it went unanswered. She was giving god one more chance to answer her plea to show he existed. Or show that just because she born an ungodful sinner and made some bad choices that he would still show her support.

This time she wasn't praying for death she was praying for a life. A small child's life at that.

Surely he would answer that.

"Alright- I haven't spoken to you in ten years. Never found the need for it until now I guess um. Quite frankly I don't know if you'll even want to hear from me. But this little girl- she's innocent. Deserves to grow up and all that. Um- I guess I'm just asking you reunite her with her mother. And-.......... If someone has to give in order for her to come back you can take me. Even if I don't end up at your shiny gates. Just bring her back alive." Julia rambles awkwardly to herself before sighing and looking around.

She sat on the hood for maybe another hour when a car began to approach. Of course Julia was ready to hide but seeing it was Shane's car she didn't. She just hoped he wasn't the driver.

Never so lucky....

"What the hell are you doin this far off the farm by yourself?!" Shane yells as he sees Julia sitting on the hood of the car.

"Helping search for Sophia same as you. I'm surprised you came alone I figured the old ball and chain would com- oh hey Andrea." Julia says with a snort as the blonde exits the passenger seat with a look of disbelief.

"What the hell are you doing out here?" Andrea asks and Julia gives her a dirty look. "Searching. For. Sophia. Fucking dumbasses I swear." Julia whispers the last part but the pair still hear it and scowl at her as she just looks unbothered.

"You know damn well you ain't supposed to be off the farm Julia. You just got in an accident a few days ago." Shane huffs as Julia shrugs rolling her eyes staying perched on the car as they move closer to come wait for Sophia as well.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now