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At first Julia woke up disoriented and groaned rubbing her face as her throat felt immensely dry

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At first Julia woke up disoriented and groaned rubbing her face as her throat felt immensely dry. The only bright side the drugs had brought were the lack in usual nightmares and her body had relaxed.

Slowly opening her eyes.... Julia realizes she's in someones tent.

Slowly turning her head she stares at a person shaped lump and narrows her eyes at them. Sitting up Julia grabs her pocket knife and slowly pulls there blanket down making the person also scream.



Julia and Andrea just stare at the other wide eyed and screaming until someone came bounding over in a panic. Shane, Dale, Glen, T-Dog and Daryl. Rick and Lori were getting the special privileges of sleeping in the house since Carl was injured. Otherwise Lori could have been there to explain and Rick would have been in a panic as well.

"What the hell are you doing in my tent?" Andrea snaps as Julia looks around utterly confused. "I don't know! I must have- been sleep walking." The girl excuses and roughly pushes past everyone's bodies and cussing lowly.

"She's a fücking psycho." Andrea could be heard saying as Julia grabbed some clean clothes. Walking away Julia can still hear Andrea going off to Shane how she's creepy and weird which makes her whip around raising two middle fingers.

"AT LEAST IM NOT A FUCKING RAGING CUNT ANDREA!" Julia yells before storming to the house for a shower. She hadn't taken one yet but Dale advised her the family was more then willing to offer it.

Julia stood on the porch just staring at the door with conflicting emotions as someone looks out the door from inside confused. He watches the woman shift from foot to foot with a grave expression. So slowly Hershel approaches and gives her a strange look as she stares at him with a foreign expression.

"Julia right? I'm Hershel we uh- didn't really get to talk much yesterday." He says in a calm tone as Julia stares him down before wincing.

"Yes I was- wondering if I could use the shower." She says in a unusually timid voice making the man nod and open the door for her. She did look rather- dirty as she was covered in dust and sand.

She hadn't been that filthy yesterday.

"You sleep in the dirt or somethin?" He asks not being an ass but not being friendly either. Hershel didn't want his family or himself to get too attached to these people. Julia stiffened and seemed to bite her tongue to refrain from saying something nasty. Rick asked her to be respectful to the man- and it was proving difficult.

He was a man after all.

"Yes. I like to sleep by the Rv tire." She explains slowly and waiting for him to show her where the shower she could use was.

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