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The group is preparing to do a rescue mission since it's taking Rick and the others so long to return

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The group is preparing to do a rescue mission since it's taking Rick and the others so long to return. As they are loading some supplies and weapons they hear a truck on the driveway approaching. Rather then park down by where the others are standing they pull up directly in front of the house.

That way it'd be easier to get Randall inside.

Julia was sat next to him begrudgingly anytime he tried to lean towards her she'd roughly shove him at Glenn. Julia couldn't help but wonder if he'd been trying to do it on purpose as he acts all weak.

Her eyes narrow suspiciously and the second the truck is stopped she hops out and slams the truck door behind her. Julia's still covered in three different men's blood, and has glass in her hair.

Everyone reunites with their families except Maggie runs right past Hershel making Julia snort loudly. "That's awkward." She states as he gives her a look making her look away. Glenn then completely brushed Maggie off of him and keeps walking as Julia again just shakes her head.

Everyone was in such a piss ass mood besides her. Well- except she was pissed about Randall but that's a given.

Julia spots Daryl, Carol and Raya approaching her slowly and looks around as if trying to see who their greeting. "What the hell happened to you?" Daryl asks with a disturbed look, but Julia's smile just turns to a psychotic type grin.

"We got attacked by some survivors. I stabbed them. Right in their di-" Before Julia could finish her proud explanation Raya hugged her tightly nearly toppling her over.

"I was scared you weren't coming back." Raya whispers and Julia just smiles confidently not a care in the world for once. She was on a high. She got to kill disgusting men and it made her feel good. Real good.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'll always come back for you." Julia states with certainty while crouching down to the girls height making Raya smile even bigger and hug Julia around the neck.

"Mr daryl was mean to me I told him you'd kick his ass." Raya whispers rather loudly and Julia's smile twitches before glancing at Daryl who rolls his eyes and Carol who gives a dismissive wave.

"Yeah well- should I beat the shit out of him or.... Do we give him another chance?" Julia asks and Raya purses her lips in thought and looks at Daryl trying to decide. "I guess he's okay for now." Raya shrugs making Julia laugh and stand messing her hair up.

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