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The door separates Raya and Julia from the group and for a moment they just stand there in disbelief

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The door separates Raya and Julia from the group and for a moment they just stand there in disbelief. Julia could hear banging coming from th other side of the door and could faintly hear Shane and Daryl yelling.

"What are we going to do?" Raya asks in fear and Julia looks from her to the door then back at her with a devilish grin.

"Winners survives." Is all she says before grabbing Rayas hand and going to grab their stuff. She physically had to drag the girl who didn't want to leave Rick and the group behind. Julia growls and keeps trying to pull the kid. She finally managed to get her to their stuff and went to the elevator to leave. But Raya harshly pulls away and runs back to the door, Julia grumbling as the elevator nearly shut.

Sticking her hand through the door she went running after the small girl who once again waited by the giant door with hope in her eyes.

They didn't have long before the clock counted down and they'd be stuck underground.

"Raya- look I know you care for these guys but their trapped in there and we have to leave now or we will just- we'll die." Julia explains calmly but Rayas lip still trembles.

This group saved her time and time again they couldn't just leave them behind. "Julia-..... don't you care? They don't deserve to die." Raya whimpers out as Julia just stares at her blankly.

Deep down Julia probably did care. Even for some of the men but it was faint. And she had a duty to try and save Raya, even if the small girl didn't want it.

"I know they don't.... We'll some of them do but we can't help them. I care okay I do but-..... I care about getting you out of here more. Your young, innocent....." Julia trails off staring at the girl a reminder of everything she never was.

"I'm sorry." Julia says before grabbing the girl forcibly and getting ready to run.

Right as she grabbed the small child the doors open to show the group staring at them with joy. Daryl stands right in front of them lowering a weapon he'd been hitting the door with the entire time.

He stares at Julia and Raya only for a second before he was looking back and calling for the group, "COME ON!" He yells running for his stuff like the others.

The rest of the group ran in fear towards the girls and immediately Julia went running to the elevator again but this time she kept it open.

Once everyone piled in nothing but shouts of hurrying we're being said. Julia snorted making her get looks as if to say now, that it's not the time for her commentary. But if Julia really was about to die she wanted her last words to at least be badass.

"I just don't think words of encouragement are gonna rush it." She snarks making Shane huff behind her and she whipped around to glare at him. Maybe her last words could be exposing him instead she still had a few minutes left to decide.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now