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Julia looks at the lone hand with a look of disgust as Daryl cries before lifting his bow to T-dogs head

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Julia looks at the lone hand with a look of disgust as Daryl cries before lifting his bow to T-dogs head. And then ricks gone goes to Daryl's head as Julia rolls her eyes.

"Fucking men." She huffs going to the edge of the building to look at the Main Street.

"I won't hesitate. I don't care if every walker in the city hears it." Finally Daryl lowers the crossbow at Ricks words making Julia lean against the edge of the building with a scowl.

Men were so dramatic.

Julia looked at the tool bag and began picking up the tools that the others had left behind. She threw them in her back pack as Daryl picked his brothers decapitated hand up into a rag. He goes to put it in glens bag but the boy screams pulling. Away making Julia roll her eyes and approach.

"Your all being a bunch of pussies just put it in mine." The woman sneers turning her back to Daryl as he unzips her bag and puts it in gently.

"He must have made a tourniquet with his belt. Would've lost a lot more blood otherwise." Daryl says leading them behind a blood trail. Julia follows his lead as the other three men follow her.

With her head looking down at the blood and her hair up in a ponytail, her shirt pulling down due to the weight of her bag. Julia's back becomes slightly visible and she hears someone intake a breath.

Looking back Julia meets Ricks saddened gaze and just glares at him before turning away again keeping her head up to not let her back be visibility again.

Julia's bag was definitely heavy but she didn't voice it, she would not appear weak to any of these men.

The tools were weighing her down though making her grumble on men's stupidity as Daryl called for Merle.

The group was now in an office building making Her way with her swords raised in case of any surprises. Dead walkers litter their path.

"Had enough in him to take out these two sumbitches. One handed. Toughest asshole I ever met my brother." Daryl's says while cocking back an arrow.

"Feed him a hammer he'd crap out nails." Daryl says casually being dead serious as Julia snorts a laugh smothering a smile as the men looked at her. "Any man can pass out from blood loss, no matter how tough he is." Rick says while leading them through the building more.

Daryl once again takes the lead and keeps yelling for Merle until finally Rick told him it was smarted to be quiet which got a mumbled agreement from Julia making Daryl side eye her with a scowl.

"Screw that. He could be bleeding out. You said so yourself." Daryl says calmly while following the blood as Rick sigh but follows.

"Shh." T dog shushes making Julia roll her eyes at them.

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