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"Smells to me like Sawhatchee Creek

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"Smells to me like Sawhatchee Creek." Merle comments as the two brothers walk still in search of supplies or even a good place for shelter for the night.

"We didn't go west enough. There's a river down there, it's got to be the yellow jacket." Daryl replies back but his mind seems to be elsewhere making Merle snort and shake his head to himself. He continues conversation to try and keep his little brother from possibly thinking of going back to the group.

"You have a stroke boy? We ain't even come close to Yellow Jacket." Merle huffs a bit out of breath from their constant walking.

"We didn't go west. Just a little bit south. That's what I think." Daryl corrects his older brother while keeping his gaze away as if searching for animals to hunt.

"You know what I think? I may have lost my hand, but you lost your sense of direction." Merle says with a louder scoff this time as Daryl simply shakes his head.

"Yeah we'll see." Daryl replied while Merle immediately tries to make it into another one of their old fashioned bets. "What do you want to bet?" Merle asks trying to reconnect with his brother but-..... his brother had changed.

"I don't want to bet nothing. It's just a body of water. Why's everything got to be a competition with you?" Daryl says with some annoyance making Merle wave him off. "Whoa, whoa. Take it easy, little brother. Just trying to have a little fun here. No need to get your panties all in a bundle." Merle says while wiping his face but Daryl doesn't seem to be listening to him as he hears something in the distance.

"You hear that?" Daryl asks as a distant crying of a baby rings out.

"Yeah wild animals getting wild." Merle brushes it off as Daryl stares off in the direction the cries are coming from.

"No it's a baby." Daryl's says with certainty as Merle shakes his head.

"Oh come on. Why don't you just piss in my ear and tell me it's raining too? That there's the sound of a couple of coons making love sweet love..... know what I mean?" Merle teases but the last part about making sweet love was a slight dig as he stares at him with a smirk. But Daryl misses it more concerned for the baby he hears crying.

It reminded him of Judith back at the prison with everyone.... With Julia.... maybe a part of him believed it was Judith and he happened to stumble soon his old group. Maybe they had decided to run rather then sit and wait at the prison for certain death.

Daryl walks towards the noise as Merle just laughs following him towards the sounds. Turns out he had been right about the baby crying. On a bridge two men yell in Spanish while standing on top of a car and a woman and baby are inside the car as they are attacked by walkers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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