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Julia lays on the cement ground by the RV tire in the middle of the night just staring at the sky

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Julia lays on the cement ground by the RV tire in the middle of the night just staring at the sky. Her eyes continue to go linger on Daryl's motorcycle where she knows he has the pills. The only problem was Dale being on watch, she wouldn't be able to explain herself.

So she kept tossing and turning which- on pavement isn't exactly comfortable.

It also didn't help that she could hear Carol sobbing inside making Julia twiddle her thumbs sighing aggressively. Raya somehow was sleeping through it probably exhausted still from all the walking.

As Julia finally began to doze off the RV shaking with someone's movements woke her up. She stayed laying down but watched as Daryl Dixon opened the door, he was muttering to himself.

At first Julia didn't think anything of it other then him needing the rest room.

But he walked rather far and towards the wooded entrance Sophia disappeared in. Instantly Julia pushed herself up and went running after him feeling Dales eyes on her. She didn't even look back to explain herself as she soon ran to Daryl's side.

Hearing her running up on him he turned around suddenly bracing for an attack or something but stopped short seeing Julia. She didn't say anything as she wordlessly joined his side.

"What are ya doin up?" He asks gruffly but continues the lead the way as she kicks rocks along the path.

"Couldn't sleep. You?" Julia asks but doesn't seem to care as her voice and face remain stoic about it. "Me neither. So- I figured I'd walk the road. Look for the girl." He says it nonchalantly but Julia saw through him. He cared. But she wouldn't call him out on it, it was his business anyway.

With that the pair remained silent for awhile until they were deep into the woods. Julia looked around with a pout of her lips before looking to Daryl who shined a flashlight around.

"Do you really think we're gonna find her?" Julia asks softly her eyes searching the forest to avoid his penetrating gaze at the question.

"You don't got that look on your face like everyone else." He notes instead of answering as Julia side eyes him. "What face would that be?" She asks with an edge thinking maybe he was going to say something insulting.

"That you already believe she's gone face." He mutter distastefully as Julia shrugs. "I'm on the fence about it. Only reason I think she has a shot in this hell is because Shane thinks she's a goner. He tends to be wrong. Plus-..... she's got us all looking out for her. That's more then some get." Julia rambles awkwardly her eyes looking around the dark woods trying to ensure a tree wasn't really a Walker waiting to jump out.

"What the hells wrong with you people? We just started looking?" He scoffs making Julia furrow her brows and stare at him with slight hostility. "You just said I'm not making that face like them. And I told you-.... I'm just on the fence." Juli excuses making him scoff and shake his head.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now