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The following morning was pretty peaceful despite all the drama from the day prior

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The following morning was pretty peaceful despite all the drama from the day prior. Julia was stuffing her face with scrambled eggs as everyone did their own thing. Andrea was sharpening her knife on cheese grater, Carol was cooking breakfast, Shane was eating while staring Julia and Dale down.

Everyone else was eating except for Glenn who more so picked at his food. His stare's continued to go to the porch where Maggie could be spotted staring him down, shaking her head.

Julia was beginning to get the sense something was romantic was going on between the two.

"Um, guys. So.... The barn is full of walkers." Glenn says uneasily and almost instantly what little noise there was left. Julia was big bite hearing this and paused staring him down to see if it was some sick joke.

It wasn't.

"Wait.... What?" She asks and he repeats it still stammering and awkward as the entire group stares him down.

Everyone in the group set their food down, rushingly walking together to check the barn. Tiny Raya clung to Julia for dear life as they could already hear the walkers loud moaning and snarls.

Shane peeks inside before storming over to Rick aggressively, "You cannot tell me you're all right with this." Shane says like it's common sense getting up in Rick space as his friend looks unsure of what to do.

"No I'm not, but we're guests here. This isn't our land." Rick says with authority only fueling Shane's anger and making the walkers press against the door hearing their loud voices. Their growls grew louder and Raya gripped onto Julia even tighter.

"THIS IS OUR LIVES!" Shane yells making Glenn tell them to lower their voices.

"We can't just sweep this under the rug." Andrea adds obviously on Shane's side for clear reasons making Julia scoff but she too felt uneasy with the walkers. But she wouldn't ever voice that she agreed with Shane.

"It ain't right. Not remotely." T-Dog adds as others agree and others remain unsure.

"Okay we've either got to go in there, we've got to make things right or we've just got to go. Now we have been talking about Fort Benning for a long time." Shane rambles in a rush like the walkers would bust through any second.

"Pussy." Julia whispers warning some looks and a confused Raya about to ask what it means but Julia just clamped a hand on her mouth to silence her.

"We can't go." Rick says desperately as Shane scoffs looking ready to low. "Why Rick? Why?" Shane asks like he's absolutely insane to want to stay.

"Because my daughter is still out there." Carol answers quickly with no hesitation and Shane doing a small derogatory chuckle blowing her statement off as he wipes his face from invisible stress.

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