Chapter 76

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All my behaviors can be explained by possessiveness. Who stipulated that only men can have possessiveness?

    Tang Yu, I want to have all of you.

    ——"Little Sugar Heart Diary"

    When Tang Xin chatted with You Huan last night, You Huan said, to test whether a man wants to go further with you, take him to the supermarket and see if his eyes are on the condom shelf. knew.

    She was a little curious.

    She threw everything on the counter and peeked at him quietly. Tang Yu kept his handwritten copy in his trouser pocket and stared at her casually. He was wearing a British style coat today. He was handsome and tall with outstanding temperament. The cashier was curious while scanning the code. look at him.

    Apparently recognized him.

    Tang Xin was a little depressed, no matter how many people knew him everywhere, who would have the nerve to glance at him when he was stared at like this.

    She looked down at the phone, and when she looked up again, she found that the little girl at the cash register had ambiguous eyes.

   When she turned her head, she saw Tang Yu staring indifferently at the shelf next to her. There were all kinds of colorful boxes of different brands and models on it.

    The man's slender fingers precisely pulled out three boxes from above and placed them on the counter.


    Why three boxes?

    Tang Xin's heart almost jumped out, she looked up at him in astonishment.

    Tang Yu didn't look at her, just paid the money, took her out of the supermarket with the bag, and stuffed her into the car.

   Neither of them spoke.

    Tang Xin peeked at him from time to time. She couldn't help asking in a low voice until she walked into the elevator. : "Why are there three boxes?"

    "It's different."

    He looked down at her, and gave her a scientific introduction with deep eyes, "The taste and type are different."


    The elevator door opened, and the two walked out.

    Tang Xin looked up. Look at him: "You understand well."

    "All men understand."


    Tang Yu reminded coldly: "Didn't you say you were all adults before? You claimed to be addicted to masculinity, don't you understand?"

    She did say it back then, but she was afraid that he would see that she liked him, and she was talking nonsense.

    Tang Xin stopped in her tracks, suddenly turned her head and hugged his neck, tiptoed up to him, and breathed into his ear like blue: "Is your home or my home?"

    Without waiting for his answer, she tilted her head and licked his Adam's apple. After a while, it was full of provocation.

    The man's body tensed, his Adam's apple rolled clearly, he lowered his head and kissed her lips heavily, carrying the bag with one hand, and hooked her waist with the other to take it to the door.

    Tang Xin slammed her back against the door, and someone pinched her waist. He whispered, "Open the door."

    Feeling that his posture seemed to be serious, she was so nervous that her hands trembled slightly, and she lowered her head to press the password.

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