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Avneet : listen, Riyaz every teacher and student have some boundaries between them so don't you dare to cross them again. (Angrily)

Riyaz : but mam, I just asked you a simple question.

Avneet : I know what you meant, so don't you dare to repeat something like this again.

Raghav : how can you talk to us like this mam? (He said rudely) after all we are paying money so it's your duty to answer us.

Avneet : get up and get lost from here right now.

Siddharth : mam, please calm down.

Avneet : what calm down, you guys don't even deserve to study as you have your mind on a wrong track. I don't want to teach such a spoilt brats like you.

Riyaz : spoilt and us!!

Siddharth hold their hands and try to keep them in their limits because they are really crossing their limits now.

Raghav : okay mam, we are really sorry.

Siddharth : mam, now they are really feeling sorry, and I am so sorry too please don't stop teaching us, it is really important for us to get help in study right now.

Avneet : okay, but value my efforts.

Riyaz : yeah mam, sorry.

Raghav and Riyaz internally fuming in anger but they are controlling and thinking that they will definitely take revenge from Avneet for all this behavior.

Siddharth is trying to keep things in control. He is also ogling at Avneet. But he don't want his friends to stare at her.

Avneet continue her lectures as a tutor and then after the class time over she get up and about to leave.

When Siddharth's mother came to their room to ask Avneet that how's their studies going on.

Riyaz and Raghav knows that Avneet gonna complain about them to his mother but she avoid it for now and left them with warning.

Stay tuned.

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