Siddharth is standing apart from bed when Riyaz and Raghav are sitting on the both sides of Avneet.

They are really so close to her and she seemed comfortable around them which made Siddharth feel so uncomfortable.

Siddharth went ahead and try to keep the distance mantain between Raghav and Avneet because it's Raghav who is not moving his eyes from her chest.

It didn't feel awkward or uneasy to Avneet as she didn't had feared  of them.

Siddharth comfortable himself on  bed.

Avneet : siddharth, can you please fetch me a glass of water.

Siddharth didn't want to go leaving her alone between these boys filled with lust.

He takes time to reply so Raghav get up and said he will bring the water for her.

Raghav said with a smile. She thank him again and he went downstairs .

As Raghav step down the stairs to the kitchen, Evil side of him want to make a move on Avneet .

But he quickly tempt himself for having those thoughts and give appreciations to himself on these dirty thoughts.

She is older than him, and a relationship between her and him would probably be the best in all he have.

With this thought he took out some drug pills from a bottle he is carrying with him.

He went over to his room and hand over to Avneet.

Avneet : is this RO water?

Siddharth : yes mam. What happened?

Avneet : it tastes little weird and bitter.

Riyaz looks at Raghav.

Raghav : maybe it's because of RO water taste a bit different mam.

Siddharth is also looking at raghav with a doubtful face but he didn't gave any hint from his face that he mixed a drug in her water.

Avneet feels weird but gulped.

Riyaz wink.

Raghav winks back.

Siddharth got it that something must be going on in their head. Which is not right.

Avneet : I am feeling a bit dizzy I don't know why.

Riyaz : mam, you must be tired.

Raghav : yeah mam, you are working from so long so you must be tired, you should rest for a while.

Siddharth : mam if you want I will drop you at your home.

Stay tuned

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