Akaashi Keiji x Flirty!Male!Reader [Fluff]

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Requested by LizzieSerine on Wattpad.

"Yo! Bokuto-senpai!" I yelled when I saw my favorite senpai talking with Akinori Konoha-senpai. He turned around and showed me a bright smile, waving his hand high above his head.

Konoha-senpai laughed and said something to Bokuto-senpai, soon walking in the opposite direction from us.

I ran towards my owl-like senpai and I stood in front of him. We talked for a bit, laughing like idiots outside of the gym, and then I remember what I came here to tell him.

But something else distracted me.

A male walked past us, then soon came back and stared at us. His teal eyes landed on me for an instant, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. My heart beating fast and I felt my blood boil. But his beautiful eyes traveled to look at Bokuto-senpai.

"Don't stay out here for too long, Bokuto-san." He walked inside the gym but I couldn't take my eyes off of him, making me tilt my body to keep looking at him.

Then my eyes traveled south from his face as he turned around. Umm... that's a nice ass.

"(M/n)?" I heard Bokuto-senpai's voice, but I didn't actually acknowledge him. Until his hand was in front of my face, waving side to side as he caught my attention, I blinked a few times, slightly glancing back at that beauty. Bokuto chuckled and walked to stand beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and playfully shoving me, messing with my hair.

"Senpai~," I whined as I tried to get out of his grip, but his strength was no joke.

"I see you got your eye in Akaashi, (M/n)~," I groaned as I stared into his yellow eyes, letting out a tsk as I looked away, but he kept annoying me by poking my cheek. "My adorable kohai would finally have his first love."

Even though he was being his usual loud self, his words made a heat rise in my cheeks and he noticed that, teasing me non-stop. Well, at least I know his name now.



A few weeks went by as I, every day, found a way to see Akaashi-senpai. Thanks to Bokuto I learned some things about him. Like his full name, Akaashi Keiji, that he is a second year, meaning he is my senpai and that he plays as a setter in the volleyball club.

Today, Bokuto said he would officially introduce us as he dragged me to his volleyball practice. When we walked in, all of my senpais looked at us. Konoha-senpai smiled at me and I bowed my head as a greet. But soon my eyes landed on Akaashi-senpai.

He looked so pretty today, but he always looks like an angel, it might be because of his shorts.

His thighs though...

My thoughts were interrupted by a shove from Bokuto, and when I looked at him, I saw him wiggling his eyebrows up and down, making me feel embarrassed. I shoved him slightly and he laughed, making me stare at the gym floor.

Then a pair of shoes appeared.

Slowly, my eyes traveled upwards, seeing strong yet soft-looking legs, thick thighs -that I recognized way too early-, slightly wide hips, a toned chest, a thin neck, and finally, a gorgeous face.

I would've gone down on one knee, yelling 'Marry me!', if it wasn't because there were people around.

"Bokuto-san, you're late to practice." His voice was tough but weirdly sweet, it somehow was the 'right voice', like, he could be calling me a bitch or something and I'll be happy just by hearing his voice.

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