Omega!Kurokawa Izana x Alpha!Male!Reader [Angst]

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Tokyo Revengers

Requested by uis9pq on Wattpad

Warning; rape attempt. Omegaverse AU. Toman vs Tenjiku arc. (You can skip this chapter if it makes you uncomfortable or you find it triggering)

Being a gang leader and an omega wasn't an easy task for Izana. He never had days off, having to endure his heat in his office with betas guarding the door just in case alphas wanted to mate with him. But that changed when he met (M/n), his fated pair and second in command.

(M/n) was assigned as the active leader whenever Izana needed to stay away for a while, going through his heat alone was even more painful now that he met his mate, but they didn't mate yet, deciding to get to know each other better and take it slowly.

Everyone in Tenjiku knew that Izana had found his fated alpha and they respected it, but there was one man that wasn't happy about that. An alpha, whose name is unimportant, has had his eye on Izana since he joined the gang, he fell in love with the white-haired omega and wanted him to himself.

However, Izana kept rejecting him even before he met (M/n) and his love soon turned into a toxic, unhealthy obsession. He thought, that if he couldn't have Izana then nobody could, and ended up taking drastic measures into his own hands.

He got sick and tired of seeing (M/n) so close to the omega, playing with his short hair and staring at him with hearts in his eyes, but he despised the way Izana would blush and turn all shy and flustered whenever the alpha would do as much as hold his face gently. And he came up with a horrid plan.

He teamed up with some omegas that were also into (M/n), and convinced them to help him, promising them that they'll be able to have (M/n) all to themselves, so they accepted.

When (M/n) entered Izana's office, with no beta guards outside, he made the omegas rush in as if they were panicking. Both males inside the room looked at the door in annoyance, but it soon turned into concern when they saw their frightened expressions.

"(M/n)-sama! We have a problem!" One of them spoke, a frightened tone coating his voice.

"There's a group of alphas harassing lower omegas!" The other one shouted, causing (M/n) to curse and rush out the door, asking them where this was happening.

The omegas took him as far away from Izana's office as they could, an evil smirk plastered on their faces as they followed behind the alpha.

Back with Izana, he was waiting for his mate to come back or text him about the situation, when he heard steps outside the door.

The obsessed alpha stood out of the door, his hand letting go of the cylinder-shaped bottle that contained rut-inducing pills. His pheromone should be strong enough to make Izana go into a forced heat, and like that, he was gonna fuck him full of his cum, impregnating him with his pups.

Izana stepped closer to the door, but stopped when he felt another alpha's scent. The pheromones of an alpha in rut.

He started panicking, rushing back to his desk to pick up his phone and call (M/n), but he wasn't picking up.

And the door behind him opened, followed by the sound of it being locked.

(M/n) had been running for a couple of minutes already, and there wasn't any noise indicative of a possible fight nor the smell of alphas in rut and scared omegas. He began suspecting something was going on, when his phone started vibrating in his pocket.

It took him a little while to take it out of his pocket as he looked around the rooms, but he saw nothing out of the ordinary. Now, he was getting worried.

He saw that Izana was calling him and he picked up.

"Iz-" he couldn't finish his sentence, because he heard something that made his blood boil with anger.

"Get off of me, motherfucker! I don't want this!!" Izana's desperate tone of voice made (M/n) turn around and he started running back to Izana's office. The omegas involved in the plan noticed, but they let him run away, figuring that alpha was already done with their boss. "S-stop... get off!"

Izana whimpered desperately, his weak body getting aroused at the scent of an alpha in his rut, making him feel sick and disgusted with himself at the way his body reacted to another alpha other than his fated mate.

Half of his clothes were off his body, while the other half was ripped. His hands were pinned down above his head, but he still struggled to keep his legs closed and kick the alpha away from him. However, he was too weak.

"I don't... want th-this, please... st-stop..." he cried out, tears running down his face, his body slowly stopped fighting back, and he lay there, on his desk, accepting what was about to happen to him. He closed his eyes tightly, and whispered his mate's name, "(M/n)..."

He said in a broken sob, the alpha chuckling as he held Izana's legs spread open.

"I'm gonna make you mine, boss, you'll be my bride and you'll carry my babies, not the babies of that alpha bastard you call your mate." He muttered with a sadistic smirk on his face, aligning his dick with Izana's leaking entrance.

(M/n) saw the office's door closed ahead of him and ran faster, without even trying to stop and open it, he kicked it down, successfully startling the alpha as he backed away from Izana's shaking body.

"I'm gonna kill you." He growled in a low voice, making the alpha in front of him weak in the knees as he toppled over.

Due to the commotion, other betas and omegas got closer to the office, but the omegas had to leave due to the strong smell of threatening pheromones in the air, making them sick. Izana's best friend, Kakucho, a beta, walked and took his coat off, making sure he covered his boss' body.

He looked over his shoulder at the group of betas by the door, and the alpha responsible, "Take him, (M/n)'s gonna take care of him after," the betas nodded and held the alpha up, dragging him to the basement and into their confinement cell... specially made for traitors, and Kakucho stared at (M/n), "(M/n)-san..." he called him and the alpha stared at him, soon realizing the state his mate was in.

He got closer to Izana and held his body tightly against his, making sure to release pheromones that would relax the omega and make him comfortable. "You can leave, Kakucho-kun, I'll take care of him, I have to..."

Kakucho nodded and left the room, unfortunately, there was no door on its hinges anymore, so he picked Izana up and took him to the room connected to the office, and locked the door. He laid down on the bed, and snuggled onto his white hair, making sure his scent would get rid of the other alpha's.

Soon enough, Izana's body stopped trembling and he held tightly onto (M/n), fearing he would leave and something would happen again.

"It's okay... everything is alright now, I'll never let anyone put a single finger on you... never again, baby, I promise."

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