Ash Lynx x Male!Reader x Okumura Eiji [Angst&Fluff]

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Banana Fish

Requested on Wattpad.

(M/n) was calmly walking, taking a few sips of his still hot coffee and looking around the busy city. He was approaching the library Ash told him to meet up, he was just a block away and even though he knew he was early, Ash was probably already waiting for him.

He smiled at the thought of his best friend, the memory of Shorter flashing in his mind but he didn't let it ruin his calm state of mind, and continued walking, emptying his cup and throwing it away on the nearest trash can he saw.

With the library doors in his field of view, he crossed the street with quick steps, glancing side to side as he did so. He released a breath and walked toward the library's double doors, but before he could even reach his hand out to open it, a flash of blond hair rushed past him.

"Ash?!" He called for him, but Ash completely ignored the calls of his name. (M/n) didn't think twice before following after him, he has been following Ash everywhere since they met, and he wasn't gonna let the blond run off on his own, especially not when he knew how reckless he could be, "Ash!"

He kept trying to call him, but nothing, the blond wasn't even paying attention to his surroundings, running into bystanders that cursed at him for not even apologizing, and right behind him was (M/n), yelling 'sorry ma'am' and 'excuse me sir' as he ran past them as well. He tried to understand why Ash would run out like that, and he noticed the paper he was holding in his hand.

Must be Eiji's letter... (M/n) would've stopped running and let Ash go to Eiji, but something was off.

His eyes caught sight of a male leaning against the wall, his hood up and covering most of his face, but when he turned to look at Ash as he got closer, (M/n) recognized him. It was Lao.

Without realizing it, (M/n) sped up and reached his arms out to push Ash just out of the way of the knife coming at him.

Ash grunted as he fell to the ground after stumbling over his own two feet. He turned around to curse at who pushed him and keep running on his way to find Eiji, but he was left speechless when he saw (M/n) standing where he was just a second ago.

(M/n) had his clenched due to the pain that was slowly numbing, feeling his warm blood drip down and stain his clothes. He was in shock, his brain not fully processing what had happened.

The moment Lao realized he had just stabbed (M/n) instead of Ash, he backed away, pulling the knife with him. His furious eyes looked at Ash who was still on the ground, but he reacted quicker than Lao could.

With the loud booming sound of his revolver echoing in the now empty street, the sounds of people mumbling and whispering with each other changed to gasps and shrieks at the sound of a bullet being shot. Some good woman decided to call an ambulance while someone else called the police.

(M/n) rested on the wall next to him, where Lao had been standing waiting for his ambush, and now he was laying on the ground, bleeding but already dead. He took deep breaths while he pressed his hand on his gushing wound, his body trembling as his vision kept fading in and out.

Ash stood up, almost tripping again as he rushed toward (M/n), applying pressure on his wound over (M/n)'s hand, and he debated what to do now. If the police came, he could be arrested, and so could (M/n), but walking to the hospital would result in the same outcome, but at least, he could hide for a bit while the police investigated.

"Ash..." His thoughts were interrupted by (M/n)'s quiet voice, "We can't stay here, Ash..." The blond nodded and took a deep breath, his heart beating loudly in his ears at the thought of losing another close friend.

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