Suna Rintaro x Male!Reader [?]

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Requested by insertacoolusername on Wattpad.

(This is so short and so bad, this is not how I wanted to write this, but it's the best I could do)

His bad days just seemed to be occurring more and more often.

Walking to the front door, he grabbed his skate and the house keys before hurrying out the door, ignoring his boyfriend's calls of his name. The chilly breeze from the outside world hit his face, making him grimace and look up at the sky, the grey clouds made a small smile show up on his face, feeling the scent of the earth when the rain falls.

It would definitely rain any moment now, and that made (M/n) feel slightly happier than when was still in his home.

He skated toward the only place he could be at peace for, at least, a short while. The skate park.

He sighed the moment he arrived, seeing only a few people around and he headed to his favourite ramp, putting his airpods in and playing his go-to playlist for clearing his mind.

(M/n) skated around for a while, almost tripping a few times whenever he tried a trick he hasn't fully learned yet. The instant rain started falling from the grey skies, he stood there for a few seconds, taking in the feel of the cold rain landing on his skin and wetting his clothes. He kept messing around until he had to stop after almost slipping off his skate due to the slippery ramps.

He kicked his skateboard while heading in its direction, he sat on the wet floor and placed his foot on top of the board, moving it back and forth while he let his body lay on the floor, his arm placed over his eyes while he peeked to look up at the sky and enjoy the rain, not caring that his clothes were soaked.

Then, his mind wandered on its own, and with a deep sigh, he asked himself, "Why don't I break up with him...?" But soon, he chuckled as he found his answer instantly, "Oh yeah, my abandonment issues."

(M/n) tried to distract himself by thinking of something else, but before he could, he hear steps approaching him, soon followed by a soft grunt next to him.

Suna had been wanting to get away from his family for a while, feeling empty after having to hear his parents' obvious disgust and hatred when a gay character showed up in the movie they were watching. He couldn't stay there and hear their painful comments, so he gave an excuse of meeting up with Atsumu for a while before leaving the house in complete silence.

He walked almost aimlessly for a while when he spotted the skate park he used to go to a few months back, before he started dedicating most of his time to the volleyball team. Suna walked in as some people were leaving because of the rain, and he saw a guy skating with a smile on his face.

He recognized him as (M/n), he's seen him around when he came often and had a chance to talk to him a few times in the past, but he also recognized him because he was interested in the male, he was... rather attractive, and very much Suna's type.

Suna watched him skate for a while, feeling slightly worried whenever he tripped but soon smiling when he heard (M/n)'s happy laugh, but soon he stopped, probably because he was close to slipping on the ramps now that they were wet with the rain.

He saw (M/n) laying on the ground as he approached him, albeit a little hesitant at first. Suna heard him say something but he couldn't understand him, however, he did hear his bitter chuckle, and he wondered what had happened to him.

And he took his chance.

Sitting down next to him with a few grunts, Suna laid on the floor too, his head turned to look at (M/n), who had turned toward him to look at him from under his forearm.

"So... what bullshit are you going through?" (M/n) removed his arm from his face, and he chuckled.

"A toxic boyfriend who hates it when I go out with my friends..." He took a deep breath and sighed, looking into Suna's eyes, "What 'bout you?"

Suna let out a bitter laugh just like how (M/n) had done just a few minutes ago.

"Homophobic parents who think gay people are going against God," they shared a laugh and continued talking about whatever came to their minds for a long time.

The rain stopped a while after, and the sky got darker as nighttime arrived, and they were now walking around the skate park, sometimes taking turns on (M/n)'s skate to fool around or chase each other, as they were little kids with nothing to worry about.

For the time in their lives, they felt comfortable and at peace with someone other than themselves.

Male Characters x Male!Reader !One-Shots!Where stories live. Discover now